Delta AE 1/16/09 this restricted to a group of people or is this the entire company with empty pilot slots looming...
Oh golly, it's out?

PM me with what Bill got! :D He's still sleeping and I'm nosey and want to know!
Well, it's official. Captain McDreamy will need to retain his screenname of of fo4ever :) He's getting bumped out of his CA seat and will go back to 88 F/O in CVG.

Really, it's the better thing. The commute & being on RSV wasn't much fun.... So he'll hang out in CVG and be number 19 :D (Sorry to the 3 guys who got bumped out of CVG....)
ATL 767B to NYC 7ERB. I really wanted ATL 7ER but it looks like all of the 2007 hires were kicked off. So, I got my second choice and I will become a line holder again. However, there is that stupid commuting thing now.

Doug, let's do a Madrid trip together!:nana2:
Too senior for junior for my VD requests....behold I'm still ATL767 with 15ish below me.

Here's to becoming a prefbid reserve master? :)

Our gracious OE planner will be happy to hear I'm still at her beck and call.
Too senior for junior for my VD requests....behold I'm still ATL767 with 15ish below me.

Here's to becoming a prefbid reserve master? :)

Ha. Welcome to my life. I've been in MEM with 15 below me for the last 4 months. :) Sadly, it's going down to 6 below me in March.
Ha. Welcome to my life. I've been in MEM with 15 below me for the last 4 months. :) Sadly, it's going down to 6 below me in March.

Well, at least you're still there! Bill only had 3 below him for the past several months in ATL.
Too senior for junior for my VD requests....behold I'm still ATL767 with 15ish below me.

Here's to becoming a prefbid reserve master? :)

Our gracious OE planner will be happy to hear I'm still at her beck and call.

Ha! You are taking my soon to be former position. Right now I am 16 from the bottom. You might as well not bid because you will never get what you want.;)

Hopefully, the training department will hire me this fall. I went in to talk to DB about a few days ago. He thinks there could be some hiring unless the new fleet captain has other ideas. Just hope he decides not to hire only FNWA people.
ATL 767B to NYC 7ERB. I really wanted ATL 7ER but it looks like all of the 2007 hires were kicked off. So, I got my second choice and I will become a line holder again. However, there is that stupid commuting thing now.

Doug, let's do a Madrid trip together!:nana2:

Let's do it!

Lemme know when you get up here. Petey (the speedline rat) and Winston (the pigeon that traipses the food court) miss you man.
767 = 767 duh......

7ER = ??? Trip 7.... or another variety of the 76.....
767 = 767 duh......

7ER = ??? Trip 7.... or another variety of the 76.....

7ER is the just 767ER. Much the same as DL calls the 757 with winglets an ER. Which is the intercontinental version of the 767. I.E. the one Doug flies international vs. the one PeanuckleCRJ/Denny flies, which is simply the domestic version of the same plane.

I think that "ER" which simply means extended range is wholey a Delta term.

*I'm back coa787!
I took my artsy avatar picture at EGE. :)

Here's the difference between the 767 and 7ER:

A "7ER" base/category is a 767/757 "transoceanic qualified" base/category in as few words as possible.

A "767" base/category (also known as 767 domestic) is a 767/757 base/category that flies non ocean crossing routes and does not go farther south than 3 degrees south of the equator. I believe the farthest out to sea that we go on the domestic side is Bermuda.

All 7ER and 767 pilots are qualified to fly, and do fly, all models of the 757-200, 757-200ER (winglets), 767-300, and 767-300ER... soon to be adding the 757-300.

The 767-400 is a separate "ER" category where they fly both ocean crossing and domestic ops. This is designated as the "765." Goodness knows why it got this designation.. someone told me the history behind it one time, but I've long since forgotten.

"ER" pilots can fly both domestic (see previous description) and international, while non ER can only do "domestic" ops.
757-200ER (winglets),

Soon to be complicated by the fact that right now the 757ER is a true ETOPS aircraft, with the required equipment, but there are some domestic 757s that are supposed to be getting winglets, so having winglets won't be a good indication of ETOPS ability.

"ER" pilots can fly both domestic (see previous description) and international, while non ER can only do "domestic" ops.

To clarify, domestic pilots can and do still fly the ERs, only on domestic routes.
Apparently, 18 76ER's are going in for winglet mods in February.

Rumor has it, at least.
I just flew a domestic 757 with winglets yesterday. And, it still had the "wavy gravy" paint job.

Also, "ER" is a Boeing term. Not just for Delta.