I understand and agree with your philosophical disagreement with JB. The "instant reaction" to crashes in the media is a bad idea that shouldn't be encouraged. You're absolutly right, it's all clickbait.
However, someone is going to fill that social media vacuum and I think he does a decent job compiling the initial data. He does stretch his "expertise" in numerous videos into areas where he has only a passing knowledge (such as helicopters). Many of the ultimate conclusions are different from his initial videos but I've also seen him make corrections and note where his "first take" was different than the final report.
He is FAR FAR better than Gryder who has made up complete fiction up to an including blaming crashes on suicide, conspiracy, and other complete nonsense. I won't even click on his videos because I don't want him getting credit (even JerryW was entertaining, in a highway crash sort of way).
It's the difference between Dr Phil and Jerry Springer. They are both making spectacle of their guests for TV ratings, but one is a lot classier about it than the other.