Daily Workout Thread

Did "Murph" the other day. A crossfit workout dedicated to the life of Lt. Michael P Murphy.
1 mile run
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 air squats
1 mile run


Nice! The goal for anyone's first Murph should be right about 1 hour. My girlfriend (a competitive athlete) does it in 36 minutes...with a weight vest :eek: She disgusts me.

I'm nursing a quad strain, so I'm mixing some CrossFit as rehab and bodybuilding before I start squatting heavy again.

Bench 3x5 3x3 3x1
DB Bent Rows 4x6 @ 55lb
DB strict press 5x5 @ 40lb
1/2 tabata hollow hold
1/2 tabata superman hold
3 sets of 5 deficit pushups, 6 dips, 10/10 lunges.

Snatch 12min EMOM
3 @ 75%
3 @ 80%
3 @ 85%
1 @ 90%
2 @ 85%
3 rounds for time of 400m run, 21 burpees

2 behind the neck snatch strict press + 3 behind the neck snatch push press, 5 sets
Close grip bench 5x5
DB pendlay rows 5x5
3 sets of-
max effort bar rollups
6 weighted pullups
10/10 box step ups
Damn there is no way I could pull a Murph workout.

This is what I did for today:

Warm up ~1,000 meters


Cool Down ~1,000 meters

Tomorrow is intervals over 400 x 8 sprint or pyramids to top and level at 400 x 6