I started laughing half way through your first sentence. I was the one who brought up the several people from Pan Am that got hired by Airnet and the one that went to Chicago Express. You seem to know so much as you refer to the stagecheck/chief assistant pilot that went to Chicago Express as a "He." The fact is it was a female that was hired which leaves no credibility to your statement at all. I always respect others opinions on this board...except when they are lying!
I started laughing half way through your first sentence. I was the one who brought up the several people from Pan Am that got hired by Airnet and the one that went to Chicago Express. You seem to know so much as you refer to the stagecheck/chief assistant pilot that went to Chicago Express as a "He." The fact is it was a female that was hired which leaves no credibility to your statement at all. I always respect others opinions on this board...except when they are lying!