Couldn't disagree more! Quality of life for the most junior person at a major is better than the vast majority of other occupations. Pretty much industry wide we have 3-5 days off EVERY week. Work some trades and you can take a month off relatively easy, year 1. During that month off, you can travel to almost anywhere in world for mostly free (with a little planning and patience). Your fence blow over in a wind storm? Work 2 overtime shifts for $1500, then still have a 2 more days off. Santa comes whenever you say he comes. Celebrate Christmas on the 23rd, no big deal. You may work overnights for a couple years, boo hoo. During those couple years, you wont miss a single ballet recital or ball game. Enough time in this amazing job and you forget what its like to work M-F 9-5. An hour of traffic each way. Phone calls and emails in the evening. Performance reviews. 2 DAYS OFF EVERY WEEK. Yeah I'll take my job over that any day, any shift. Motivational rant over.