CRJ900 Weight Restricted?


Well-Known Member
So, I got a call this morning telling us some of our party is being bumped off because of weight restriction. The flight is out of CZM in mid-March...are the -700s as finicky about weight as the -200s are?

Unrelated, I looked to see what the seat availability was and selected the flight as a one way...and take a look at the price!??! Holy crap...that ain't a deal!!!


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no way they charged that much. (in US Dollars..).
What mostlikely happened was that the website gave you a quote in Mexican Pesos, wich would turn out being around 800 bucks, expensive, but I would not be surprised if charged that on that route...
but 8,000 Us dlls!! no way man! lol.. you can easily go around the world a couple of times on an all inclusive deal with that money!!..
no way they charged that much. (in US Dollars..).
What mostlikely happened was that the website gave you a quote in Mexican Pesos, wich would turn out being around 800 bucks, expensive, but I would not be surprised if charged that on that route...
but 8,000 Us dlls!! no way man! lol.. you can easily go around the world a couple of times on an all inclusive deal with that money!!..

Even roundtrip was over 10K!!! Expedia has similar flights for about 200 bucks.

So, no -900 drivers out there? Hello Trip7?!? I know you're out there...
I can only think of it happening once in the 900. Was flying from PHX-Calgary with a full load of people and gas for a couple alternates. That did us in.
Nope, the 700s are awesome. The only problems I've had was bringing the SIU womens basketball team out of the Bahamas to Atlanta (with an alternate) and coming out of Key West.
Good to know...I know it's warm there in March, but I didn't think it would that big an issue.
Never had a weight problem on the CRJ900. I've taken a full boat with jump plenty of times on 2-3 hour flights during the spring/summer. I can only remember one flight where I had to request a different runway on a BOS-TPA flight. Shouldn't be an issue on the CR9.