Crew Scheduler Pay

3 AM shifts, 3 PM shifts, and then 3 off. Everyone rotates through a week of midnights every 5-6 weeks. You can trade your shifts and get all AMs or PMs if you want outside of your week of mids. Some are able to get rid of their mids too.
I’m guessing 4 on 3 off, 10 hour days?
Get trip covered, worry about contract violations and compensation later seems to be my experience since Covid. :(
Ready, shoot, aim
Same deal at my shop
Latest MEC podcast said we’ve had our new contract a year and schedulers still haven’t been educated on the changes. 😠
Thanks everyone for the info on this thread. I'm currently a DX'er at a regional and was considering Crew Scheduling as a side step to at least get into a major. I get that internal hires don't have it any easier when securing a DX gig, but at least I wouldn't have to move again and can start building some flight benny seniority.
Ready, shoot, aim
Same deal at my shop
Latest MEC podcast said we’ve had our new contract a year and schedulers still haven’t been educated on the changes. 😠

At a legacy airline there going to be several hundred crew schedulers. The level of training needed is going to be dictated by the amount and complexity of the changes. If the changes are extensive, classroom and on the job training may be needed. Crew scheduling competes with dispatch and maintenance for limited classroom space. Promises get made during contract negotiations and only after contract is passed does the question of how this will get implemented get asked.
Thanks everyone for the info on this thread. I'm currently a DX'er at a regional and was considering Crew Scheduling as a side step to at least get into a major. I get that internal hires don't have it any easier when securing a DX gig, but at least I wouldn't have to move again and can start building some flight benny seniority.

AA does not use seniority for flight benefit priority.
AA does not use seniority for flight benefit priority.
Good point. Neither does WN. But the main benefit of porting over to Scheduling for me would be to get the moving part out of the way. The issue I'm having where I'm at is not really wanting to establish any roots because I know a move is imminent at some point.
Good point. Neither does WN. But the main benefit of porting over to Scheduling for me would be to get the moving part out of the way. The issue I'm having where I'm at is not really wanting to establish any roots because I know a move is imminent at some point.

You are better off staying at a regional in dispatch. Getting into crew scheduling or load planning works for some but it can also ruin your dispatch career if you run into health problems and need to call in sick or if your attempts to make friends in dispatch dont go as planned. If scheduling and load planning is understaffed, they might not let you move to another department. At least at a regional in dispatch you are not locked in to one airline and its internal politics.