Combat Flight Sim V3.1 tonight?

I'm bad too.

Big, large radius turns on the verge of stalling.

[/ QUOTE ]

Use the'll cut down your turn radius, and keep you from getting into a "rate fight" in the horizontal by trying to outturn the bandits turn circle. Also, you won't piss away your energy doing this. Use the vertical, and you can "cut the circle", so to speak.

For the best gun kill results, get in plane, in range, and with the proper amount of lead on the bandit, and you have a good chance of a kill.

Then again, go for the long-range radar missle shot and avoid the knife-fight-in-the-phone-booth altogether.

Remember the tenents:

1. Lose sight, lose fight.
2. Maneuver in relation to the bandit
3. Nose position vs energy.
