If the company wants someone with a degree, more than someone with years of experience, then I'd rather steer clear.
Not sure why it would be an either or. Isn't it more "we need x amount of experience AND a degree?"
If the company wants someone with a degree, more than someone with years of experience, then I'd rather steer clear.
Not sure why it would be an either or. Isn't it more "we need x amount of an experience AND a degree?"
Whenever you have X spots available and X+Y applying, you're looking for anything quantifiable to add (Y-Z) to the formula.
In an employer's eyes, college does make you a more well-rounded employee and it's a qualitative, competitive trait on which to base selection.
We've been through how we "feel" about that, but in this profession, if you don't want to limit your career, you need a degree. Believe me, I felt the same way about learning Chandelles. I hated it, but if I wanted the commercial pilot's license, I had to perform them so my disdain wasn't a factor in the FAA's decision.
Plus, America doesn't need yet another HS Diploma or GED Equiv. worker trying to replace his/her income. Plenty of them to go around!
In an employer's eyes, college does make you a more well-rounded employee and it's a qualitative, competitive trait on which to base selection.
We've been through how we "feel" about that, but in this profession, if you don't want to limit your career, you need a degree. Believe me, I felt the same way about learning Chandelles. I hated it, but if I wanted the commercial pilot's license, I had to perform them so my disdain wasn't a factor in the FAA's decision.
No, not at all. Doesn't seem like its any better of a job than at a regional.
Didn't vote, didn't see the option I would select. Just curious, how do they check up on that degree anyways?
I'm in college, hate college, am totally unmotivated for college, drag my feet into class everyday, but feel that somewhere along the line not having a degree is going to screw me over.
I always figured the social aspect of college would keep me going, but not at community college. Nobody talks to anybody and I haven't made a single friend in the time I've been there, and that really says something given how quickly I make friends.
I'm in college, hate college, am totally unmotivated for college, drag my feet into class everyday, but feel that somewhere along the line not having a degree is going to screw me over.
I always figured the social aspect of college would keep me going, but not at community college. Nobody talks to anybody and I haven't made a single friend in the time I've been there, and that really says something given how quickly I make friends.