My info is four years out of date, but if Austin still runs the class, I'll bet it hasn't changed much. I'll post it publically for anyone else who may be interested.
1) Read "Austin's very easy guides"., follow the instructions, it's pretty easy to find. As I recall you can find just about everything you'll use in training on that website.
2) Class is fairly fast paced, but not unreasonably so. The big thing is to study. Know 135 rest, duty, alternate, etc regs cold, that seemed to trip a lot of people up on the written. The 210 systems stuff is pretty simple because, well, the 210 is pretty simple.
3) Learn the flows. Chair fly the airplane. "positive rate on two instruments, out of usable runway, gear in transit, green light on, hyraulic power pack off..." I still remember...everything is a lot easier if you know this stuff going in (or so I imagine, I didn't!)
3) Austin says it and says it again, but it bears repetition: "Know how to fly in the IFR system". If you question whether you could pass an instrument checkride tomorrow, get to where you can. They're not in the business of teaching you stuff you should already know and they get downright unpleasant if they find that they're expected to.
It's not hard at all, it's just that there isn't the level of hand-holding some people have gotten used to. Stay awake and study and you'll do fine. It's a great job, you'll have a lot of fun and learn quite a bit in the process.
Good luck!