Chat with Robert from Flight Express...

Some things never change. Class was supposed to be 15, eight showed, four passed, to the best of my recollection. Two couldn't speak english, one couldn't or chose not to read english, and one couldn't fly his way out of a paper bag.
If FLX is owned by the same company as Airnet how come you are hiring and they still havent called everyone back? Not trying to start a war here between the two pilot groups just curious if FLX is taking routes or if you do business that is seperate of airnets.
Some things never change. Class was supposed to be 15, eight showed, four passed, to the best of my recollection. Two couldn't speak english, one couldn't or chose not to read english, and one couldn't fly his way out of a paper bag.

This really pisses me off. I filled out their online application thing how many times? AT least 5 times over the past year. I go over there and fill it out every time I hear even a peep about them needing people. I haven't heard a peep from them not even once. Maybe I need to start wording the application to make them think I'm a huge scrub or something, because that is what they seem to want in their applicants...
nbv4 how much time do you have? I have heard in the past they are similar to ram air frieght in that they are looking for lower time guys hoping they wont bail when things get better.
Any word on FLX possibly getting any jumpseat agreements set up (similar to the net)? Before I got furloughed I could have sworn someone said something about helping them get it set up....................but I was being medicated pretty heavily the week I got furloughed, so that could be wrong.

If FLX is owned by the same company as Airnet how come you are hiring and they still havent called everyone back? Not trying to start a war here between the two pilot groups just curious if FLX is taking routes or if you do business that is seperate of airnets.

Good question. They have taken routes from Anet and they have successfully lost the contracts too... at least out of dallas :whatever:

I'm by no means placing blame on flx, just bayside.
This really pisses me off. I filled out their online application thing how many times? AT least 5 times over the past year. I go over there and fill it out every time I hear even a peep about them needing people. I haven't heard a peep from them not even once. Maybe I need to start wording the application to make them think I'm a huge scrub or something, because that is what they seem to want in their applicants...

Hey, I resemble that remark. I should have been more experience was in 2005 when you couldn't beg borrow or steal a was an open cattle call...if you showed up and had a logbook that could be attempted to be believed, you were "in class". I have no idea how things are done now. I will say that I rarely saw a super "high time" pilot there (unless they'd been there for ten years...hi Jerome), but that might have been a product of the aforementioned dearth of available pilots at the time, dunno.

Unless things have changed pretty massively, I would be extremely surprised to see any kind of jumpseat agreements. When I was there you'd have been laughed out of training if the word "commuting" even came out of your mouth. Getting days off was like pulling teeth. Think less "pilot job" and think more "long hours blue collar weekday work-a-day job that happens to involve flying airplanes". If your turn-ons include uniforms, rollaboards, autopilots (ok, I like those too), air conditioning, airline jargon, and GPSes, you might want to keep looking. If your turn-offs include touching the cargo, getting sweaty, nonprecision approaches, bad weather, making decisions, dark ramps in the middle of the night, and being occasionally a little bit scared, you might also want to keep looking. Mind you, I say this as a guy who really enjoyed my time at FLX. I still cherish the memories.

Taxiing through snow drifts at SGF in my iced up 210 so I could transfer my cargo to another that had just landed and was icing up just as fast while I was trying to pick up ammo cans full of chemo with fingers that I literally couldn't feel, then taking off a few hours later to go home in a thundersnow storm.

CRG in the morning, always foggy, always smelled like the tropics to this KY boy.

Parking next to the DCI ramp (I think? Riddle? Some puppymill) at SFB after some weather diversion disaster or another and smoking a few cigarettes with my five day beard staring at all the toolbags doing their 30 minute preflight. I hadn't slept for days.

OPF late at night when lots of dudes who don't speak english (or at least want you to think they don't) unload beautiful old airliners full of palletes that you just know are full of AKs.

Getting sort of seriously pudgy after flying to ASG for six or so months and eating at the greasiest greasy spoon ever overlooking the runway. Good times.

I miss it terribly, but one suspects its the sort of thing it's better to feel nostalgic about than "get" to experience again.
This really pisses me off. I filled out their online application thing how many times? AT least 5 times over the past year. I go over there and fill it out every time I hear even a peep about them needing people. I haven't heard a peep from them not even once. Maybe I need to start wording the application to make them think I'm a huge scrub or something, because that is what they seem to want in their applicants...

Seems to me its seriously all about timing with them. If you apply when they are putting a class together then great if not then your odds are low. I had a friend of mine call one day asking about a job and he was told there are no plans for hiring in the near future. He received an e-mail the very next day asking if he was interested in a class.

nbv4 how much time do you have? I have heard in the past they are similar to ram air frieght in that they are looking for lower time guys hoping they wont bail when things get better.

I wouldn't say that. I had a furloughed Continental FO in my class.
I wouldn't say that. I had a furloughed Continental FO in my class.

You were also just slightly outside of the hiring boom at it's peak. When I was hired I had 875 with barely the other mins so I was a VFR part 135. Yeah, it sucked but I got the time and four months later I was an IFR Baron pilot. Now, don't plan on upgrading to the Baron. Right upup?

I miss it terribly, but one suspects its the sort of thing it's better to feel nostalgic about than "get" to experience again.

I resemble that remark. Your the one who left the the misti. Don't know if Mr. Frank ever got that. But I asked him one time why he was still around. Said he didn't want to get old.

Any word on FLX possibly getting any jumpseat agreements set up (similar to the net)?

No, nothing that I have heard or have even heard a rumor about. I would enjoy it. Hell we don't even have a second seat in most of our airplanes. We actually have to put one in for most of the check rides. The C210's are removed, we are actually trained just so that we can put a second seat in. The Baron's are required to have the second seat. The problem is, I don't know if anybody could actually ride with us. If any ever asks I always differ to dispatch so I don't get busted.
You were also just slightly outside of the hiring boom at it's peak. When I was hired I had 875 with barely the other mins so I was a VFR part 135. Yeah, it sucked but I got the time and four months later I was an IFR Baron pilot. Now, don't plan on upgrading to the Baron. Right upup?

Well you might upgrade but it won't last long hehe.

Austin once told me that if someone needed to jumpseat then it would have to be an EXTREMELY urgent reason seeing as how insurance won't cover it.
nbv4 how much time do you have? I have heard in the past they are similar to ram air frieght in that they are looking for lower time guys hoping they wont bail when things get better.

I've got 1450, and previous 135 night cargo experience. It seems ironic that in this economy that when I write resumes from now on I'm going to have to start emphasizing what I don't have as opposed to what I do have. Instead of listing how I have 400 multi SIC, I'll list I have 0 milti PIC. Instead of saying I have 400 hours of turbine time, I'll say I have 0 turbine PIC time, etc. Very ironic in this industry, but that seems to be what hold me back the most...
If FLX is owned by the same company as Airnet how come you are hiring and they still havent called everyone back? Not trying to start a war here between the two pilot groups just curious if FLX is taking routes or if you do business that is seperate of airnets.

I'm not trying to start a war either. There have been a couple cool FLX pilots that have been helpful during my furlough. I will say that FLX has gotten a lot of Airnet routes. From what I hear, they can do it cheaper, because the 210 is more economical, and the pilots work for less wages too. So because it is cheaper someone, (not sure if it's Bayside, Airnet, or Flight Express) but someone over there keeps transfering these routes over to FLX. I have heard from Airnet pilots that are still employed that FLX pilots keep bitching and moaning, and getting work in late, or not getting the work hauled at all due to MX and WX, and these former Airnet Routes that got transfered to FLX are being lost. All the while Airnet is shrinking, and I'm still on their furlough list, pilots that haven't been furloughed yet are worried that they'll be next, and quality of life over there has been flushed down the toilet because that pilot never knows when he is going to loose his route to FLX. That's the word I hear anyways. I personally have nothing against Flight Express Pilots. The ones I've met so far have been nothing but kind and helpful to me. But it's frustrating to see Airnet runs being given away to another company, just to see that company piss off the customers and the run be dropped altogether. Someone, or a couple someones over at one of the 3 stinks like rotten eggs with the way things are being handled.
But it's frustrating to see Airnet runs being given away to another company, just to see that company piss off the customers and the run be dropped altogether. Someone, or a couple someones over at one of the 3 stinks like rotten eggs with the way things are being handled.

I remain unconvinced that FLX is somehow incompetently dropping the ball and losing the routes just cause some dudes who have a very good reason to blame them say so. This is all hearsay, right? If I had a dollar for every naughty thing I've heard said about every single company ever, I could retire and start talking smack full time. When I was at FLX pilots that didn't get the work there on time found their way out the door sooner rather than later. Much more quickly than at my other two 135 cargo jobs. I find it difficult to imagine that this has changed now that pilots are a dime a dozen. Of course that's speculative too...
This is all hearsay, right?
Yes, most of it is hearsay, from several different sources. Like I said, I have nothing personal agains FLX pilots, but I know it is a FACT that they have lost several former Airnet contracts out of Dallas. The hearsay part is that they lost it due to dropping the ball.
I don't know about the whole stacking the two companies up against each other theory, and don't really want to speculate. But it would be a nice gesture if a furloughed Airnet pilot who wanted to keep flying could get fast-tracked into a training class at FLX.
Yes, most of it is hearsay, from several different sources. Like I said, I have nothing personal agains FLX pilots, but I know it is a FACT that they have lost several former Airnet contracts out of Dallas. The hearsay part is that they lost it due to dropping the ball.

how many did we start with out of ADS? The most I've seen down there is 2 (I wasn't really paying much attention) and I know now we are down to 1.
But it would be a nice gesture if a furloughed Airnet pilot who wanted to keep flying could get fast-tracked into a training class at FLX.
When the furloughs first happened FLX sent an invitation to Airnet pilots to come over and work. Back then the attitude was, "What!! Go over to Flight Express! So I can downgrade from a Baron to a 210, fly Airnet routes that they are being given, for less pay! I don't think so."
Of course, now that the job market has slowed to a hault I'm sure there might be a few that are thinking they should have maybe taken the offer.

I'm not bashing FLX, like I have already said, their pilot group seems great. I have nothing but good things to say about their pilots, they've been nothing but kind to me. I think Bayside is the devil, and the whole deal shafted many many people, and is continuing to shaft people. But FLX isn't to blame, and neither are their pilots. This isn't the regionals, and the best thing I love about freight is that there isn't a lot of mud slinging between pilot groups here. I've heard it go so far as one Regional friend of mine compaired this situation to TSA and GoJet, and asked me why I wasn't mad that FLX pilots were flying "my" routes while I'm sitting on my ass with a pink slip. I politely explained to him that we don't play that game in the freight world. There have been many Flight Express pilots on this site that have extended their hands to Furloughed Airnet pilots, and have offered to walk our resumes in. So despite who owns "us" now, and the deals going on in the back room, the pilots for both these fine companies have no reason to be mad at each other.
how many did we start with out of ADS? The most I've seen down there is 2 (I wasn't really paying much attention) and I know now we are down to 1.
I will try and get an official number for you. The RUMOR I heard was 3 runs, and all were lost, then 1 more was picked up later.
I appreciate the nice words for both sides. I can honestly say that everytime that I have talked to an Airnet pilot and told them I work for FLX is has been nothing but respect, both ways. Currently we have just one run out of ADS and most of the runs that Airnet "gave" to FLX was bank work. For instance FLX created 703 to do regions work out of CPS but then last week Regions stopped the run. I only know of one particular instance that the bank thought we dropped the ball and instead of getting rid of the run they switched from a C210 to a Baron. From talking to our head dispatcher that is how most of the runs are going. If it's bank work, pray you can keep it going until 2011. If you have medical and other "life science" work, then you have a better chance with that run.