Challenge non-id'd persons on the ramp


Well-Known Member
Just a heads up, especially EWR guys, besides the fact that its always a smart thing to challenge anyone without a badge thats in an area that requires one, a little birdy told me that a certain tray stacking agency will be testing us out in the next few weeks.
That's funny. I didn't know I am supposed to be an un-paid agent for the government. I have no formal training in ID badge identification either.
That's funny. I didn't know I am supposed to be an un-paid agent for the government. I have no formal training in ID badge identification either.
Pinko-commie! You hatin on America?! It's your patriotic duty when you fry prain to challenge any and everyone that comes near you.
The thing that really has me concerned is when the TSA is out "testing" us while we're supposed to be doing a walkaround. I was in CAK and was trying to dodge the baggage handlers and fueler when some TSA dude was trying to be sneaky. Of course I asked if I could help him and he was very confrontational, actually he was downright rude.

The purpose of the walkaround is safety, having the TSA out "testing" us on the ramp, an area that they and the airport police are supposed to keep secure, is a major distraction when we're trying to make sure our airplanes are airworthy.
That's funny. I didn't know I am supposed to be an un-paid agent for the government. I have no formal training in ID badge identification either.

Our formal training consists of a computer training program given by the airport which won't let you fail.....

"No, that answer wasn't right. Try again."
"No, that also wasn't right. Try again."
"Wrong again, but I guess you know the answer now since there's only one option left."
Does anyone know what a real TSA badge looks like? I can't find an example in my manual. I pulled the badge off a TSA agent that wanted to search the plane and tried to look it up. I asked her how I knew she was really TSA. She just shrugged. Also her picture was worn away so I couldn't see her face, she didn't seem to care when I mentioned that. Suffice to say she didn't get on.
Actually you are supposed to recognize all the different SIDA badges form all 150 airports that you fly into.

It starts to remind me of the AF. Who else's job to I have to do while I'm at work and not get paid for it?
They got really smart, and gave me a deck of cards with all the big airport SIDA badges on it...

now if only to copy...
I'm pretty sure the only SIDA badge I would actually recognize is from HPN and that only because I had one. All that extensive training we've had on recognizing other badges is shining through...
A TSA badge is about as useful as a nurse's hospital ID badge when they are on the ramp. The game they played in BGR was to have the TSA badge displayed and their SIDA badge in their pocket so from more than 10 feet away it looked they were all kosher. Bastards, I got a week off without pay for not realizing that one. The worst part was sitting through that fricking SIDA class again. I love how if a ramper fails to wear a badge they get in trouble, and if a ramper fails to not see a badge they get in trouble too. The TSA didn't like me much after that. Whenever I fly out of BGR they still pull me aside for 'random' checks every time. Random my ass.

The TSA badge is light blue with the emblem on the top their pic in the middle and their name underneath, but thats not what you are looking for. Whoops thats SSI and i'm gonna be on some naughty wire tap list for that.
The purpose of the walkaround is safety, having the TSA out "testing" us on the ramp, an area that they and the airport police are supposed to keep secure, is a major distraction when we're trying to make sure our airplanes are airworthy.

and what is ALPA doing to stop this?
Maybe they should give everybody really big badges that you have to be totally blind to miss. :sarcasm:
Yet another asinine policy/ procedure from a horrendous agency.

Keep up the good work, guys! (yes, that was :sarcasm:)
We had a Security Officer in the Navy who liked to wear his yeoman's ID badge to see if anyone would notice. She was black. He thought he was pretty clever until the day Base Security hauled him to the Base C.O.s office to explain why HE was on the ramp with someone else's ID.
I had a flight attendant with an expired company ID on one trip. She had the security letter thing she needed from the company to authorize her, but she never had to pull it out, TSA never noticed that her badge was expired. Nice work TSA.
A TSA badge is about as useful as a nurse's hospital ID badge when they are on the ramp. The game they played in BGR was to have the TSA badge displayed and their SIDA badge in their pocket so from more than 10 feet away it looked they were all kosher. Bastards, I got a week off without pay for not realizing that one. The worst part was sitting through that fricking SIDA class again. I love how if a ramper fails to wear a badge they get in trouble, and if a ramper fails to not see a badge they get in trouble too. The TSA didn't like me much after that. Whenever I fly out of BGR they still pull me aside for 'random' checks every time. Random my ass.

The TSA badge is light blue with the emblem on the top their pic in the middle and their name underneath, but thats not what you are looking for. Whoops thats SSI and i'm gonna be on some naughty wire tap list for that.

"You didn't recognize I wasn't wearing a badge. Come with me."
"Um, you weren't displaying your badge properly. YOU come with ME."

This cat and mouse BS is REALLY deterring the terraists, I tell ya. Last time I checked, it was the AIRPORT AUTHORITY responsible for randomly testing people, not the TSA.
"You didn't recognize I wasn't wearing a badge. Come with me."
"Um, you weren't displaying your badge properly. YOU come with ME."

I've got a story for next NJC, although a few people here have already heard it involving that exact scenario.

I won't let a TSA inspector on a plane until I've seen both their SIDA badge and their normal ID.