Well-Known Member
Sorry about the above post his diaper needs changing...
As for the frieght vs. regional is all a matter of opinion. Its really a matter of company A vs. company B and lifstyle. Cargo life is harder, your loading and unloading stuff on your own often working in the wee hours of the night and morning on minimum equipment (depending upon what you fly). Most cargo companies that fly 210s, Barons, Aztecs, etc. don't have licensed dispatchers which means all the flight planning authority and responsibility rests solely on the pilot. But many pilots enjoy this and find it more rewarding. Regional is well regional flying whining passengers, low pay, threat of furlough, IOE etc. Schedules for regionals are often something close to 4 on 3 off but depends heavily on seniority. Cargo schedules are all over the board, often you'll see daily runs, but there are many overnights too, once again it just depends on the operator and the run.
its really just what you want
Exactly! Just opinion! When I read this post I prepared myself by saying "This is just his opinion, I don't have to agree with it."
Dude, don't get angry when you get a reponse to your post like this. I know your just trying to help the original poster but try to give him some facts instead of YOUR opinion.
PS. Furloughs happen at 135 Companies as well...And I know FLX flies 210s and Barons but come on you have to know that there are more A/C out there than that for "Most cargo companies.." :banghead: