can ya still fly checks?


Did you lock the doors? i've heard with the electronic world taking over, flying checks is a thing of the past...??can anybody point me to a company to look up about it? i'm a sub-135 min pilot, would also love to know if there were such a freight job that exists that doesn't require 135 mins? ok the right seat deal until mins is ok but not really a strong resume builder, contracts? huh? but is there anything else? or is flight instructing the end all be all...? live in the DC area, so instructing aint so bad cause the area is recession proof it seems... but just yearnig for the the better experience...thanks all...
Flying checks has supposedly been dying for years but for whatever reason its still around... Heres a few companies...

Flight Express (FLX) based in Florida. Has routes as far north as Iowa and as far west as Western Kansas? Main steed CE-210

Airnet (base in Ohio) the same company that owns FLX (Bayside Capitol just bought out Airnet as well) Mostly Midwest and South but does have some runs in the Lear out west... Barons and Lears

RamAir Freight, flies mostly in the SouthEastern US except FL flying the Piper Lance and Seneca?

I'm sure theres more, but these are the ones I know that definitely fly checks, I'm sure theres more since none of these three cover much west coast. Ameriflight pretty much owns California to Texas but I don't know specifically that they carry checks...

As for still flying them... it will still be around for awhile, the said secured "scan" equipment is quite expensive, and most documents though time sensitive can live for the extra 5 to 10 hours. Especially over the weekends.
As for the rest, 135 dominates most freight, only the big guys like UPS, FedEx, DHL are doing 121 because they have some much damn space in their planes (that I know of anyways). And most of the companies I listed about fly exclusively single pilot so you'll need the 1200 for them to even pause to look at your resume (turbine or not).

Becareful with the recession proff theory. I live in Miami where money flows like water (except in my pocket it seems) and even here jobs have become quite scarce. It took me a ridiculous amount of effort to land a bar job on South Beach which were a dime a dozen a year ago and tourist season is approaching... my advice... build as much time as possible CFIing, especially your multi and wait and see. I would recommending a 121 regional over flying overnight freight anyday (just my opinion) unless your lucky enough to land FEDEX or Brown when they hire again. Flying 135 cargo isn't as much a job as it is a lifestyle...
Flying checks has supposedly been dying for years but for whatever reason its still around... Heres a few companies...

Flight Express (FLX) based in Florida. Has routes as far north as Iowa and as far west as Western Kansas? Main steed CE-210

Airnet (base in Ohio) the same company that owns FLX (Bayside Capitol just bought out Airnet as well) Mostly Midwest and South but does have some runs in the Lear out west... Barons and Lears

RamAir Freight, flies mostly in the SouthEastern US except FL flying the Piper Lance and Seneca?

I'm sure theres more, but these are the ones I know that definitely fly checks, I'm sure theres more since none of these three cover much west coast. Ameriflight pretty much owns California to Texas but I don't know specifically that they carry checks...

As for still flying them... it will still be around for awhile, the said secured "scan" equipment is quite expensive, and most documents though time sensitive can live for the extra 5 to 10 hours. Especially over the weekends.

Wow there is more bad info in this post then any in the freight section.
Why do you continue to post when you have no useful information?
I work for Ram Air and 98% of our flying is hauling checks. We have one scheduled run that we do for UPS, and we do some on demand flying for them during the holiday season. We used to have two runs that we did for Airnet, but those went away last year. Everything else we fly is nothing but checks. We have lost some of our bank runs also, but still have enough to stay profitable.

It used to be a constant revolving door here at Ram Air as far as pilots coming and going, but that has changed. Nobody is leaving, and there aren't any plans to hire anytime soon. The last class we had consisted of two furloughed Airnet pilots.
Stay away from any company solely flying bank documents. Flying checks is terminally ill, and quickly on its way to death.
yeah it sound like i'll be happily secure with flight instructing for the forseeable future:-) it doesn't even sound like anybody will be doing the right seat deals until ya have your 135mins...but that doesn't like a good way to get the time anyway since its not 'really' sic time...thanks for all the good (&the not so good:-) info...any more opinions on the frieght vs. regional paths? what do y'all think looks better on a resume, pic piston or sic turbine?? thanks again...
Another bitter nutjob, just what we need.

Have you bothered to research the guy you are calling a bitter nutjob? He may be a little bitter, but I think he has a little more knowledge on the check flying business than you may have.

Considerably more.

Not only that, Mike has helped scores of people on JC learn about part 135 freight, has helped numerous people get hired, has volunteered for non-paying position within his company to make conditions better for pilots, and has thousands of hours as a captain in props and jets flying night freight safely.

This guy is the best friend a part 135 freight pilot could have. He's a natural leader and an unassuming mentor.
yeah it sound like i'll be happily secure with flight instructing for the forseeable future:-) it doesn't even sound like anybody will be doing the right seat deals until ya have your 135mins...but that doesn't like a good way to get the time anyway since its not 'really' sic time...thanks for all the good (&the not so good:-) info...any more opinions on the frieght vs. regional paths? what do y'all think looks better on a resume, pic piston or sic turbine?? thanks again...

Sorry about the above post his diaper needs changing...

As for the frieght vs. regional is all a matter of opinion. Its really a matter of company A vs. company B and lifstyle. Cargo life is harder, your loading and unloading stuff on your own often working in the wee hours of the night and morning on minimum equipment (depending upon what you fly). Most cargo companies that fly 210s, Barons, Aztecs, etc. don't have licensed dispatchers which means all the flight planning authority and responsibility rests solely on the pilot. But many pilots enjoy this and find it more rewarding. Regional is well regional flying whining passengers, low pay, threat of furlough, IOE etc. Schedules for regionals are often something close to 4 on 3 off but depends heavily on seniority. Cargo schedules are all over the board, often you'll see daily runs, but there are many overnights too, once again it just depends on the operator and the run.

its really just what you want
Considerably more.

Not only that, Mike has helped scores of people on JC learn about part 135 freight, has helped numerous people get hired, has volunteered for non-paying position within his company to make conditions better for pilots, and has thousands of hours as a captain in props and jets flying night freight safely.

This guy is the best friend a part 135 freight pilot could have. He's a natural leader and an unassuming mentor.

thats fine but I didn't roll on here flaming anyone, just trying to help another person with a question
thats fine but I didn't roll on here flaming anyone, just trying to help another person with a question
That's fine?

Look, I understand you were trying to help, but ask yourself why such an experienced person took issue with what you had to say.

Were I a young freight pup I would have asked Mike to educate me rather than calling him a bitter nutjob.
Were I a young freight pup I would have asked Mike to educate me rather than calling him a bitter nutjob.

bingo. mikes a great 135 resource, especially with airnet. knows more applicable info about ans then the majority of other people on here... dido what mini said. kudos mike, thanks for your help!
Is there really an argument taking place on who knows more about companies that fly checks? Good God
i'm just proud to be the one that started it...:sarcasm:
alright lets just start a new thread then, cause i'd love to hear opinions of freight vs. regionals, please see new thread if you'd like to pass on some experience and/or knowledge and/or opinion...thanks all
Sorry I just have problems with someone giving bad information about the freight industry when a few days ago he's knocking FLX for their lack of new equipment.
The "Hvymetal" screenname just makes me laugh.
I'll try and get on here later and give some more info for the OP since he sounds interested in flying freight instead of someone who can't hack it.