New Member
Since it seems to be going down this road, the guy in question was part of an Army Engineering unit that worked the front lines with Special Forces clearing areas. He has a couple or three Silver/Bronze Stars and the citations and presented them for viewing at an ALPA Executive Board Meeting. I tracked down his CO at the time, his words to me were explicit:
"This man ALWAYS took the point, every day. Without him, my unit losses would have been 30-50% higher."
He recommended the man for OCS back then and also volunteered to go to the 2006 ALPA BOD in Las Vegas on his own dime and answer any "hero" who wanted to challenge his integrity on the matter. This guys bona fides were no doubt "highly suspect" too: Retired Army Colonel, West Point Grad and Instructor and retired as I recall from the White Sands Missle Range as the Director. Yeah, an obvious lowbrow.
The crime that was so glaring that got the man "fired" was that he put on his job application some 21 years ago that he attended a SF training class. Which he DID. He was foolish enough to let a barroom story started by someone else get out of hand. Something none of us have EVER done.
His DD-214 was also made public by him. So 21 years later, because he had the audacity to step down from DHL Flight Ops management when he wouldn't play the footsie game of making political "contributions" for Dasburg to his cronies that exceeded Federal Campaign limits. When he decided to run for ALPA President, they pulled out his 21 year old job app and fired him for "lying." Which the arbitrator threw out as total BS, reinstated him with full back pay and a clean record.
Stellar career as a pilot, union rep and in management. He settled every open grievance IN THE PILOTS FAVOR. And fired by none other than John Dasburg, that patron saint of airline pilots.
See folks, that's the problem with ALPA. The worker bees are great. But the elected leadership is so enamored with themselves that they go out and publicly flame anyone who does not speak the ALPA "party line" in fear that the truth might come out. They seek out people with little experience, promise them great things and tell them what to say.
How many of us would volunteer to do two tours of duty in Vietnam on the ground ahead of the lines with an M-16?
How many of us did? Yet, we listen to a guy who does and continue to trash a guy who has done more good for pilots that his critic ever has.
Pretty sad.
"This man ALWAYS took the point, every day. Without him, my unit losses would have been 30-50% higher."
He recommended the man for OCS back then and also volunteered to go to the 2006 ALPA BOD in Las Vegas on his own dime and answer any "hero" who wanted to challenge his integrity on the matter. This guys bona fides were no doubt "highly suspect" too: Retired Army Colonel, West Point Grad and Instructor and retired as I recall from the White Sands Missle Range as the Director. Yeah, an obvious lowbrow.
The crime that was so glaring that got the man "fired" was that he put on his job application some 21 years ago that he attended a SF training class. Which he DID. He was foolish enough to let a barroom story started by someone else get out of hand. Something none of us have EVER done.
His DD-214 was also made public by him. So 21 years later, because he had the audacity to step down from DHL Flight Ops management when he wouldn't play the footsie game of making political "contributions" for Dasburg to his cronies that exceeded Federal Campaign limits. When he decided to run for ALPA President, they pulled out his 21 year old job app and fired him for "lying." Which the arbitrator threw out as total BS, reinstated him with full back pay and a clean record.
Stellar career as a pilot, union rep and in management. He settled every open grievance IN THE PILOTS FAVOR. And fired by none other than John Dasburg, that patron saint of airline pilots.
See folks, that's the problem with ALPA. The worker bees are great. But the elected leadership is so enamored with themselves that they go out and publicly flame anyone who does not speak the ALPA "party line" in fear that the truth might come out. They seek out people with little experience, promise them great things and tell them what to say.
How many of us would volunteer to do two tours of duty in Vietnam on the ground ahead of the lines with an M-16?
How many of us did? Yet, we listen to a guy who does and continue to trash a guy who has done more good for pilots that his critic ever has.
Pretty sad.