Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
“Notice of Trusteeship”
TO: Officers and Members of Local Union 747
FROM: James P. Hoffa, General President
I have recently been informed that the International Union is in danger of losing certification for several bargaining units that have been assigned for representation purposes to Local 747 as a result of the Local's failure to perform its duties as the bargaining representative of their members. As set forth below, a decertification petition has recently resulted in the loss of representation rights at one carrier and another petition is being processed. Other petitions are threatened to be filed by members who want to receive the representation they expected when they joined the Teamsters. It does not appear that the officials of Local 747 are reacting to these decertification efforts in a manner that is likely to convince these members that future services will be improved and they should remain Teamsters.
During the course of investigating these complaints about the Local's representation, I have also been informed that certain officers of Local 747 may have engaged in financial improprieties relating to their compensation and to the payment of legal fees. The representation problems appear to be compounded by complaints that efforts are being made by Local 747 to collect dues from workers who have chosen the Teamsters as their bargaining representative prior to the negotiation of a collective agreement, in violation of pledges made to those members and contrary to general practices within the Union.
The credible information and reports reflect the following:
1. Local 747 and its President Principal Executive Officer, Ernest "Gene" Sowell, are parties to an employment contract that they have intentionally concealed from Local 747's membership through the inclusion of a confidentiality provision. The employment contract provides that Local 747 shall employ and pay Sowell for services performed as the Local's General Counsel and Executive Administrator. The contract specifies that Sowell is "responsible for handling all legal matters of the ... " Local Union. Local 747 has paid Sowell more than $1.2 million since 2005 (not including health and pension coverage) for his work as General Counsel, while incurring steadily increasing amounts of outside legal fees for services that contractually are required to be handled by Sowell. Additionally, in both 2007 and 2008, Local 747 incorrectly and misleadingly reported on its LM-2 reports that its principal outside counsel, Patrick Flynn, was paid for his services as an arbitrator, not as the Local's counsel.
The remaining members of the Local Union Executive Board have either not performed their duty to oversee the employment contract or have failed to challenge Sowell's apparent abrogation of his responsibilities under the employment contract.
2. Local 747 is in immediate danger of losing bargaining units to ongoing decertification efforts generated by its failure to represent its members. Unless action is taken to convince members that the Teamsters Union is capable of performing as their bargaining agent, the Local Union, Airline Division and International Union will be injured. And it is apparent that the current leadership of Local 747 has not been responsive to the complaints of these disaffected members and has no prospect of redressing the problems at this time.
1. A. Great Lakes: Local 747 was assigned representational responsibility for the Great Lakes pilot group but has provided little, if any, representation. On April 9, 2009, the decertification election was completed and the members rejected continued representation by Local 747 by a vote of 209-0. Local 747 did not attempt to oppose the effort or correct the underlying issues that gave rise to it. Nor did it assist the Airline Division's efforts to convince the pilots to remain Teamsters.
3. B. Cape Air: The Cape Air pilot group voted for Teamster Representation approximately three years ago and still does not have a first contract. An independent organization has now filed an application with the National Mediation Board to replace the Teamsters as the pilot group's bargaining representative. The Cape Air pilot group is scheduled to commence voting under the supervision of the National Mediation Board this month. Their votes will determine whether the Teamsters are ousted as the unit's bargaining representative and, whether the unit has any bargaining representative at all.
5. C. North American Airlines: The pilots working at North American Airlines are also expressing their desire to oust the Teamsters as their bargaining representative. The pilot group's executive council leadership has advised that if Local 747 remains as their assigned bargaining representative, the unit would in all likelihood file to decertify the Teamsters. Indeed, credible reports indicate that another union is now actively soliciting authorization cards to displace the Teamsters at this airline.
7. In addition to other grievances regarding representation, the pilots are upset with Local 747's attempts to collect dues from them retroactive to the date the Teamsters were certified as their bargaining representative. Consistent with then-existing Airline Division policy, the pilots were assured that they would not have to pay dues until they secured a first contract. Near the end of the contract negotiations, Local 747, however, pressured many of the pilots to pay retroactive dues, advising them that this was the only way in which they could participate in the contract ratification vote. Local 747 pressured several of the pilots to sign promissory notes agreeing to pay retroactive dues, and continues to collect dues in accordance with the terms of such unauthorized promissory notes.
9. D. Gulfstream International Airlines: The on-the-property leadership of the Gulfstream International Airlines pilot group recently wrote a letter advising the International Union that “there is a lack of faith that our local will do anything to improve our situation, or protect our members from a vengeful management should they bring any grievances.” They also complained about Local 747's lack of bargaining preparation and training for the unit's rank-and-file bargaining committee.
11. The International Union has been advised that some of the pilots have contacted another labor organization seeking help to decertify the Teamsters and Local 747 and to assume the representation of the carrier. Although the pilot group's leadership sought assistance from Local 747 to avoid a fullscale decertification effort, neither the Local 747 Business Agent nor anyone else followed through to provide any such help.
13. E. Omni Air International: It appears that Local 747 has not taken any steps to establish any on-the-property leadership and work-standards related committees in the more than one year period since they voted to join the Teamsters, in violation of the Local 747 Bylaws. Several of the pilots who had voluntarily agreed to pay dues to the Local even before securing their first contract are now resigning their membership and refusing to pay membership dues in protest of Local 747's inadequate representation.
15. F. Republic Air and Affiliates: It appears that the pilot group is dissatisfied with Local 747 because of its leadership's failure to provide any representation with respect to grievances. There is a backlog of grievances that fill up several pages of the Local 747 on-line magazine.
17. G. Kalitta: The Kalitta Air pilot group has expressed deep frustration with Local 747 for many months based on Local 747's perceived failure to provide representation to the unit through the timely processing of grievances and on account of the Local's failure to communicate with the unit. Their on-the property leadership advised the Airline Division that unless the International assigned them to another Teamster local, they would decertify the Teamsters. Efforts by Airline Director Bourne to redress the problems have been thwarted by Local 747 President Sowell's insistence that the Local be compensated for lost revenue in the event the members are transferred to another Teamster Local.
For the reasons set forth above, and pursuant to my authority under Article VI, Section 5(a) of the International Constitution, I am imposing an emergency trusteeship over the affairs of Local 747, effective immediately. The emergency trusteeship is being imposed: (1) to correct financial corruption or malpractice; (2) to assure the performance of Local 747's duties as a bargaining representative; and (3) because the affairs of Local 747 are being conducted in such a manner inconsistent with established policies and practices, which jeopardize the interests of the International Union and Local 747 and violate the rights of Teamster represented workers.
I have appointed Brother David Ross as Temporary Trustee and Brother Dan Brannan as Assistant Trustee. Pursuant to the procedures set forth in Article VI, Section 5 of the International Constitution, you will soon be receiving a notice of hearing to determine whether the temporary trusteeship should be continued or dissolved. Separate notice of that hearing shall be posted by the Temporary Trustee.
A copy of this Notice shall be posted immediately in the Local Union Headquarters and in such other places as will ensure the members of Local 747 are informed of the Trusteeship.
April 15, 2009 Notice from General President Hoffa
1. Local 747 and its President Principal Executive Officer, Ernest "Gene" Sowell, are parties to an employment contract that they have intentionally concealed from Local 747's membership through the inclusion of a confidentiality provision. The employment contract provides that Local 747 shall employ and pay Sowell for services performed as the Local's General Counsel and Executive Administrator. The contract specifies that Sowell is "responsible for handling all legal matters of the ... " Local Union. Local 747 has paid Sowell more than $1.2 million since 2005 (not including health and pension coverage) for his work as General Counsel, while incurring steadily increasing amounts of outside legal fees for services that contractually are required to be handled by Sowell. Additionally, in both 2007 and 2008, Local 747 incorrectly and misleadingly reported on its LM-2 reports that its principal outside counsel, Patrick Flynn, was paid for his services as an arbitrator, not as the Local's counsel.
The IBT Airline Division is a complete and utter mess. Gene Sowell was holding three positions and getting paid for each of them while doing very little actual work. I'm told that he is the third-highest paid Teamsters employee in the entire organization. Something to the tune of $375k prior to expenses, all for doing just about nothing for a corrupt local like 747.
Time for ALPA, guys.
I called the 747 office on Friday...they had 4 senior, experienced airline pilots there serving us! The Assistant Trustee who has extensive experience as a union leader, ALPA MEC Chairman and Vice President.
ALPA? That'd be a joke. I've been there with them. They never stood up for us regional guys. Anyone who says they do only needs to look at the wonderful "flow through agreements" they have negotiated. Ask Midwest Express how they helped them. Or Champion. Both sold out by ALPO National and NWA. Even JetBlue said "no thanks."
Ask the cargo guys about ALPA. Atlas and Polar just bailed out. Evergreen is next.
Now in fairness they did just win at AirTran. Let's see how long that lasts with Delta being the big dog in ALPA...and ATL.
I'm willing to put my faith in Hoffa and Bourne a lot more than Sowell and his supporters.
So, does ALPA have interest only when you become a certain size? Long before my time when CHQ went to ALPA about organizing with them, they gave us the finger...has much changed??
And yes, the salaries are ridiculous at IBT, about as disgusting as they are at ALPA.
Like I referenced on the org, IBT representation is HORRIBLE.
Time for ALPA, guys.
When he was exposed, he tucked tail and ran, bowing out of the ALPA Presidential race because he was completely disgraced. Now he attacks ALPA even after ALPA fought tooth and nail to get his job back after his company fired him for lying about his military service. True scumbag.
The Eagle agreement didn't work out too well, but it's much harder to get a favorable flow-through when the mainline carrier is represented by a different union. In-fighting has been going on between the two groups for years.
I'm not sure what you think ALPA did wrong with Champion. ALPA can't stop managements from running companies out of business through bad business practices.
As for JetBlue, ALPA wasn't organizing JetBlue. The JetBlue pilots were trying to form their own in-house union, which would have been a complete disaster.
Now there is an active ALPA campaign going on there, and hopefully there will be a vote within the next year or so. The JetBlue pilots desperately need ALPA.
You Teamster guys can't seem to understand that pilots are all in this together, and we all need to be on the same team (ALPA). One huge international union that represents all North American pilots is the way to rebuild this profession.
Yes. ALPA's attitude on organizing smaller carriers changed many years ago under Captain Woerth's leadership. This can be seen in the recent organizing drives at carriers like Commutair and Colgan. Hell, ALPA even organized a pilot group in Canada last year that has only a few dozen pilots.
I agree, although policing your local MEC officers isn't a bad idea. It appears this group got way out of hand and National had to step in. Its happened at ALPA as you well know.
Watch that guy very carefully. He was run out of dodge because he lied repeatedly about his military service in order to get his job and his ALPA position. He made all kinds of claims about being in the special forces, earning a Congressional Medal of Honor, etc...., all of which were completely untrue. When he was exposed, he tucked tail and ran, bowing out of the ALPA Presidential race because he was completely disgraced. Now he attacks ALPA even after ALPA fought tooth and nail to get his job back after his company fired him for lying about his military service. True scumbag.
Calling someone a "true scumbag" is unprofessional. I watched what that guy did for his people at DHL. Pretty damn good representation from what I saw and a damn good contract too. Do you have specific knowledge you can share with us about how he has not professionally represented pilots?
I shouldn't even respond to someone who's so juvenile to use the term "ALPO," but what the hell. ALPA's flow-through agreements are working pretty well. A huge number of pilots from Mesaba and Compass will be flowing to Delta over the next 10 years. The Eagle agreement didn't work out too well, but it's much harder to get a favorable flow-through when the mainline carrier is represented by a different union. In-fighting has been going on between the two groups for years.
"Didn't work out too well" is not quite what the Eagle guys call it. The USAirways and UAL codeshares are all ALPA, with the exception of a couple. They've been wanting a flow through since the mid 1980's. How are their code shares that ALPA negiotiated for them?
Midwest was represented very well by ALPA. The MEA MEC didn't feel the need to negotiate strong scope language previously (their own mistake), and they got burned. ALPA fought hard in court to help them, but the contract language just wasn't there. The former MEA MEC Chairman, Captain Jay Snedorf is still an ALPA supporter, even though he got furloughed after the outsourcing.
That's odd. I've known their former Negotiating Chairman for years, and met Schnedorf via him several times. To say he is an "ALPA supporter" is a bit of a gross overstatement. And the former Negotiating Chairman is now a representative of the IBT. Is he a scumbag too since he quit ALPA?
I'm not sure what you think ALPA did wrong with Champion. ALPA can't stop managements from running companies out of business through bad business practices. The former CHA MEC Chairman still does volunteer work for ALPA, even though he doesn't work for an ALPA carrier. I think that says a lot about what ALPA did to help the Champion pilots.
Is he working for free? I heard he got a sweetheart deal from the President of ALPA. Did the CHA guys get anything?
As for JetBlue, ALPA wasn't organizing JetBlue. The JetBlue pilots were trying to form their own in-house union, which would have been a complete disaster. Now there is an active ALPA campaign going on there, and hopefully there will be a vote within the next year or so. The JetBlue pilots desperately need ALPA.
To hear the JetBlue guys say it (I jumpseat on them a bit), they want nothing to do with ALPA. They said if the choice was ALPA or in-house, they'd go alone in a heartbeat. I thought that was odd, but the seem pretty much to not want anything to do with ALPA.
Ask the Capital Cargo and Evergreen pilots, both of which joined ALPA within the past few years after seeing how horribly in-house unions are run. There is a large ALPA groundswell starting up over at Kalitta right now, also, after they've endured years of horrible IBT representation. I hear the Omni guys are also starting to realize that the IBT wasn't a good choice. Then of course there are the FedEx pilots, which have the industry-leading contract, which was ratified by over 90% of their pilots, a record ratification vote for such a large group.
On that other board you post on so much, the FedEx guys hate their leadership and feel sold down the river by DW and company. A Kalitta guy I know said they're going to 1224 with ABX and Atlas and are tickled. They don't want ALPA either.
The DAL MEC spent a lot of time and money out of their own dues revenue to help us merge with ALPA. Captain Moak devoted his own volunteers to our merger drive, at his MEC's expense, to work our road shows. DALPA is an ATN MEC supporter, not an enemy. You Teamster guys can't seem to understand that pilots are all in this together, and we all need to be on the same team (ALPA). One huge international union that represents all North American pilots is the way to rebuild this profession. Captain Moak certainly understands that.
So it's "us Teamster guys again?" The ones who welcome you on our jumpseats while people like the UAL MEC Chairman say ALPA should deny us the j/s? Why? Are we lesser human beings? Your President keeps referring to us as a union that supports bakers, truck drivers, laborers and such. What's wrong with being part of a union that has 1.4 million voices? Do ALPA pilots fly airplanes better than Teamster pilots?
They may be much better than their predecessors, but I certainly wouldn't put any faith in them, that's for sure.
I dunno, that Bourne guy did pretty good for his pilots, to hear them speak. He was the Vice President of the ALPA Presidents Committee for cargo. Didn't he shut down his airline in sympathy for Polar too?? Did any other ALPA carriers show that kind of support?
Yes. ALPA's attitude on organizing smaller carriers changed many years ago under Captain Woerth's leadership. This can be seen in the recent organizing drives at carriers like Commutair and Colgan. Hell, ALPA even organized a pilot group in Canada last year that has only a few dozen pilots.
The staff at ALPA is paid very fairly. And no attorney makes anything close to Sowell's perverse level of compensation, that's for sure.
I'm even surprised he dug into the budget to replace Hank Ward. Remember him?I've been sitting back watching this for awhile. Hey Peter! Time to crawl out of Gene's pocket. We're all way over him and 'ol Tiffy. The charges against Gene are pretty clear and it's the same thing that everyone else in 747 has been talking about. Gene's gonna represent us? When?
A lot of folks have been waiting for this day. We knew it would never happen with Treichler at the wheel. The guys at Kalitta are leaving for 1224. Lucky them.
I called the 747 office on Friday...they had 4 senior, experienced airline pilots there serving us! The Assistant Trustee who has extensive experience as a union leader, ALPA MEC Chairman and Vice President. The guy I spoke with was the former ALPA Vice Chairman of the National Bargaining Committee and QUIT ALPA to join the Teamsters Airline Division as a representative for the International for crewmembers. Wow. The TRUSTEE is the former Local 1224 THERE'S a lousy contract!!!(Did Gene negotiate this one? He always refers to it like he did!)
What do you have against Bourne taking out corrupt leadership? Are you scared of something?
I looked up Bourne and asked this guy how well he knew him. He said he watched Bourne represent his guys at ALPA. The guy was elected to THREE CONSECUTIVE terms by his pilots. (He even ran a clean race!) He elevated the opinion of the members of his group in all of the other carriers eyes so much that he became a National Committee Vice Chairmen.
hmmm...wonder if he'd be interested in leading a regional airline group whose leaders hands are in Sowell's pockets.:yup:
Sounds like Bourne has pretty strong bona fides to me. A lot better than Sowell. And light years better than Treichler. I'm glad Hoffa has a LEADER for the Airline Division for once.
I'm betting Gene's gonna fold like a cheap suit and beg for a buyout so he can slither away.
ALPA? That'd be a joke. I've been there with them. They never stood up for us regional guys. Anyone who says they do only needs to look at the wonderful "flow through agreements" they have negotiated. Ask Midwest Express how they helped them. Or Champion. Both sold out by ALPO National and NWA. Even JetBlue said "no thanks."
Ask the cargo guys about ALPA. Atlas and Polar just bailed out. Evergreen is next.
Now in fairness they did just win at AirTran. Let's see how long that lasts with Delta being the big dog in ALPA...and ATL.
I'm willing to put my faith in Hoffa and Bourne a lot more than Sowell and his supporters.
Now that the rock has been lifted, the roaches are scurrying....:rawk:
Hey, I'm just glad Treichler left and now Sowell appears to have been given the boot. I'm hoping our guys wake up and quit covering for Sowell.
The new guys? Time will tell. But at least the spotlight is on them. Anything is better than what we had under Sowell.
Thought I recognized this handle from elsewhere. You post on other sites too as PCL_128. Seems that everyone who questions you is lying or a scumbag. Aren't you one of the guys who ran defense for ALPA when they were trying to get AirTran aboard?
Calling someone a "true scumbag" is unprofessional.
I watched what that guy did for his people at DHL. Pretty damn good representation from what I saw and a damn good contract too. Do you have specific knowledge you can share with us about how he has not professionally represented pilots?
"Didn't work out too well" is not quite what the Eagle guys call it. The USAirways and UAL codeshares are all ALPA, with the exception of a couple. They've been wanting a flow through since the mid 1980's. How are their code shares that ALPA negiotiated for them?
That's odd. I've known their former Negotiating Chairman for years, and met Schnedorf via him several times. To say he is an "ALPA supporter" is a bit of a gross overstatement. And the former Negotiating Chairman is now a representative of the IBT. Is he a scumbag too since he quit ALPA?
To hear the JetBlue guys say it (I jumpseat on them a bit), they want nothing to do with ALPA. They said if the choice was ALPA or in-house, they'd go alone in a heartbeat. I thought that was odd, but the seem pretty much to not want anything to do with ALPA.
On that other board you post on so much, the FedEx guys hate their leadership and feel sold down the river by DW and company. A Kalitta guy I know said they're going to 1224 with ABX and Atlas and are tickled. They don't want ALPA either.
So it's "us Teamster guys again?" The ones who welcome you on our jumpseats while people like the UAL MEC Chairman say ALPA should deny us the j/s?
Why? Are we lesser human beings? Your President keeps referring to us as a union that supports bakers, truck drivers, laborers and such. What's wrong with being part of a union that has 1.4 million voices? Do ALPA pilots fly airplanes better than Teamster pilots?
Didn't he shut down his airline in sympathy for Polar too?? Did any other ALPA carriers show that kind of support?
Well yeah, but none of them were Presidents of a Local with 5,000 members either.
Doesn't the ALPA president make about $400 grand with his bennies? And the General Manager about the same?
I know their attorneys make over $275K in some cases.
That's a lot of coinage. With all the job cuts, furloughs and pay cuts are any of them taking a pay cut, or are the members paying for their fancy lifestyles?[/B]
Is it true that the officers get new cars? And one of them had ALPA buy him a tricked out Mustang? I saw the pics but couldn't believe it! Nice gig!
I haven't seen any industry leading contracts from ALPA lately.
And seriously man, you shouldn't trash someone like you did.
What is it with the coddling of people who lie about their military service records?
[thread sidebar]
What is it with people that do this? And why would a guy lying about his military service, go so far as to claim he earned the Medal of Honor? As if THAT dosen't highlight you and isn't easy enough to track down and confirm....there's been what (off the top of my head), 4 or so awarded in the last 30 years?
[/thread sidebar]
Is anyone upset about corrupt leadership being removed?
I don't recall the year, but it was in the 03-06 time frame. Seemed like there was a rash of Navy Chiefs and junior officers who were wearing ribbons that they were not authorized to wear. I mention Navy, because I distinctly remember reading about the huge PR failure and clear lack of espirt de corps those members displayed.
Nevertheless, people like that are in every branch of the military. Uniform accessories are just a tad bit too easy to come by.
I thought this was about the good news of Sowell leaving and a wake up call to the guys carrying his water.
Why do you keep refering to the Teamsters as a bunch of truckers? We're in the Airline Division.
And you know, if it comes to a strike, it would be nice to have a bunch of other union members who deliver the fuel, the bags or turn the wrenches, refuse to cross my picket line. I want solidarity across the spectrum.
You said the Atlas pilots crossed a picket line and flew struck work?
Either you are fronting for ALPA or you seem to have a personal axe to grind with those guys and Bourne. Did you not have an interview go well or something? If that's it, geez, maybe you didn't meet their quals or just had a bad day. We all do.
Like I said, this is about change at 747. Am I missing something? Is anyone upset about corrupt leadership being removed?