Best Sim


Since even PCTAD devices are somewhat sub par to sims, lets not use them for practice or to teach scans and procedures.

Since sims are sub par to planes, lets not use those either.

At the airlines and type schools, sims are used for type ratings and training.

Since sims obviously don't behave just like a jet, their value is also questionable.

You so smart!

Those level D sims still suck for hand flying and landing the airplane. Nothing, not even the multi million dollar airline sims come close to flying around the real plane.

Agreed. One of the hardest things was nailing the circling maneuver for my captain upgrade a few years ago. But put me in the real beast, with real references (peripheral vision, feel, sound,) and I could do it without even thinking. I had to memorize numbers to nail it in the sim (i.e. at 3 DME, turn to this heading, then begin this descent, put the flaps out here, then the gear here, power at this setting etc...)
Multiplayer FS'04 worked great for me when I had my medical pulled for 6-months and wanted to stay current with flying a pattern, adjusting for wind, basic navigation, and radio communication. It was invaluable when I started learning IFR
Seriously, I think the flight sim is *BETTER*I than the real thing when it comes to learning instrument procedures. You set the conditions exactly as you want them, position the aircraft exactly where you want it, and go at it. Screw up, reset the scenario, do it over and over and over again. The real thing you can not do that, takes too much time and money.
Those who shoot down flight sim are the same ones that are ignorant to it.
FS2004, FSX, and X-plane, they are all good for practicing instrument procedures. In fact it is really the only thing they excel at. For PPL's, I agree, fly the real thing.
I just like the game for procedures. Doing any kind of private, commercial, CFI, and ATP would suck period. Instrument approaches are the best, since you get an idea how power and pitch controls the ILS.