B787 Fire On Ground at BOS

So if there were passengers on board -- say while the APU is starting after landing -- it sounds like this fire was sufficiently large to prompt an emergency evacuation (e.g., pop the slides), right?

The fire appears to have been fairly small, damage-wise, but the smoke and fumes generated that appear to have quickly entered the passenger cabin would be what would've prompted what you describe. But that's my own nitpicking, really, as any fire onboard of practically any kind would likely prompt the above, especially if it's an unknown of size/intensity/location, and can't be immediately extinguished.
Maybe these are just isolated incidents that may not be a big deal but I've heard enough lately to where I probably wouldn't put my family on one right now.
So far nobody has mentioned that composites can be extremely flammable all by themselves. When that B-2 crashed in Guam in 2008, the composite skin of its whole fuselage caught fire and burned post-crash. Why are we putting LiPo batteries - prone to catching on fire - inside aircraft made of flammable skin?
So far nobody has mentioned that composites can be extremely flammable all by themselves. When that B-2 crashed in Guam in 2008, the composite skin of its whole fuselage caught fire and burned post-crash. Why are we putting LiPo batteries - prone to catching on fire - inside aircraft made of flammable skin?
Keep in mind concrete, when hot enough, is flammable... and explosive too. Everyone sleep well tonight.

Everyone keep in mind this is a giant flying battery, world's ahead (or behind, I suppose depending what you think of this run at aircraft design) of anything else flying and there are going to be some pretty big problems for a while.
So if there were passengers on board -- say while the APU is starting after landing -- it sounds like this fire was sufficiently large to prompt an emergency evacuation (e.g., pop the slides), right?
Smoke/fumes entering the people tank = "EVACUATE! EVACUATE! EVACUATE!"

Sent from Seat 3D
I would pay cash money to watch the first day of simulator training for a pilot going from the Airbus to a MD-88

I loved jumpseating on the MD-88. Between the sticky auto throttles and the gigantic yoke that seems to have very little effect on where the airplane actually goes, was pretty entertaining.
Not even a little bit.

I'm 0 for 2 now.

Crap man, sorry to hear that. The captain and I were flying with were just talking about that the other day. Most of the people we have had move on from Surejet lately we've been like "really? That guy?" But all the people who you think "man, he/she is a shoe in" are still here. Hell...one of the guys who moved on was nicknamed "Angry Nick"

I only know you from a here, facebook, and a short introduction at NJC this year. Your time will come man. You're one of the good guys.
Thanks. I'm not overly worried about it, although with all the mergers going on the number of airlines to apply at is decreasing rapidly!

One of the rejections was more of a funny story about HR not having their act together and me paying the price for it. (pro tip: when the HR guy says you are all set and don't have to talk to the other interview panel and literally walks you to the front door, TRIPLE CHECK that he really means that otherwise you'll get accused of walking out of the interview)

The other one I don't know what happened. I thought I had it. Heck, even my Chief Pilot congratulated me on getting the job. Oh well.
One of the rejections was more of a funny story about HR not having their act together and me paying the price for it. (pro tip: when the HR guy says you are all set and don't have to talk to the other interview panel and literally walks you to the front door, TRIPLE CHECK that he really means that otherwise you'll get accused of walking out of the interview)
