Atkins Diet

I could understand why I am a little overweight and could not keep it off. I am age 15, 160 pounds and 5'4. I really like to eat sweet foods and fats and I think this is what makes me overweight. My goal is to work for a Major or a Japanese airlines where the Japanese Airlines have weight restrictions. In my case I am a little overweight to be at an Japanese Airline if I don't lose weight. Can someone start me off with this diet? Any books or websites I should buy or visit? Also my biggest concern is if I do this diet for a month or for 3 month and if I quit, would I gain the weight back? Is a McDonald's meal in an Atkins diet?

If you want to do Atkins, you really need to pick up "Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution" in any bookstore, Wal-Mart, or online at It's really not as simple as cutting out the carbs and going on a meat gorge. I've talked to some people who find the food choices limiting, but for the most part, they dovetail with the things I like to eat anyway, so I've had no trouble staying on the plan, having plenty to eat, and being satisfied with the variety of my foods.

Is a McDonald's meal on the plan? Largely, no. Those french fries have to go, as does the soda. The burger is fine, but no bun and no ketchup. Salads are fine.

The confusion that people who haven't read the book have is that they think Induction (the first and strictest phase of the program, in which you're limited to 20 grams of carbs a day) is the whole thing, and you have to do it forever. Not true ... Induction lasts a minimum of two weeks, after which you begin adding other foods and more daily carbs to your diet. The long-term goal is to find the carb quantity that results in weight maintenance, based on your metabolism, lifestyle, etc. For some people, that may be 30-40g, for others 80-100g. So you don't have to swear off bread and pasta for life. You'll also find there are a lot of great low-carb recipes and prepared food items (protein bars for a snack on the go, etc.) available in stores now.

Lastly, Atkins is not some miracle plan where pounds melt off as you sit on your @$$. For any diet plan to work, you have to get out and exercise, get some activity going. Atkins also recommends a multivitamin (which is probably a pretty good idea for anybody, diet or not).

Hope this helps. I'm not a paid Atkins supporter (no matter how it sounds!) but I have found it is the only eating plan I can stick to for more than a week, which is a miracle in itself. Good luck!

Kristie -- I think you look great. Very healthy. And your hair is just gorgeous (but I already told you that!

I feel like a bit of a hypocrite, since I myself haven't been to the gym in weeks, but the best exercise I've added is Pilates and weight training. I think both are pretty good for people who don't like to work out and they have fabulous effects on the bod. If you can't find a Pilates class in your town, try yoga. Pilates would be my first choice, though, because of its emphasis on building core strength.
Just wanted to add something. While exercise is mentioned constantly, and I DO think it is great, it really, in my humble opinion, comes down more to what you eat. As has been said, you have to take in less than you burn. It's that simple. And the problem with exercise is that you'd have to run a marathon every day to burn off what the average american eats. Let's look at some examples of common exercises for a 125 lb person:

Bicycling: 12-13.9 mph for one hour burns 480 cals.
Running: 12 min/mile, again 480 cals.
Tennis: general, 420 cals.
Walk: 17 min/mi, 240 cals.

All of these are calories per HOUR. Most people walk for a half hour. So, if you're 125 lbs, you've burned 120 calories.

Now let's look at some food calorie contents:

Small curly fry at Arby's, 310 cals.
Small fry from McD's, 210
Fry that comes with the value meals at McD's, 320.

What's my point? You can't even burn off the fries in your value meal with a 30 minute walk. BUT, you can cut more calories than you can burn in an hour by forgoing the fries! Or, even cooler, you've cut almost as much as you would burn simply by getting the small fries instead of the medium! Simply put, by making very slight adjustments in your daily eating on a consistent basis, you can make a MUCH more significant impact on your caloric intake to output than by exercising. An excellent diet plan that makes it really easy to monitor this is on the web called "The Hacker's Diet." Its not a plan at all, in that it doesn't tell you what you can and can't eat, but simply shows you how to monitor your caloric intake and compare it to your avg weight over the past seven days and see if you're taking in more or less than you're burning. It even has a program you can put on a palm pilot, if you have one, to track the results. And it's free, or it was when I downloaded it. A better tracking program, though, that runs on your computer is called "Weight Commander." You have to pay to register it, but you can try it for free for like 7 days before it locks up and makes you register. You simply weigh every day and it keeps a moving average, which is the real indicator if you're losing, not your daily fluctuations. It even has an allowance for women to track the monthly fluctuation due to water retention during that special time when "Aunt Flo" comes to visit!

Last part of my lecture, ladies and gents, lift weights. Its already been mentioned that muscle burns more calories than fat. This is HUGE. Adding one gram of muscle burns 50 extra calories an hour, that's 1,200 calories a day even while you sleep!!! You don't have to do workouts that make you big and look like a man, just do high repetition workouts that tone and make you look and feel better anyway. You can do these workouts in the half hour that you used to walk and you'll be amazed at the results. The key is that you're not losing the weight because you're exercising, its just that the muscle you've added is burning 1,200 cals a day per gram!

That's my more than 2 cents of weight loss advice for the day from a guy that struggled with his weight all his life. I was fat as a child, made fun of, couldn't get dates, low self esteem, etc. I got tired of it 2 years ago. Did a bunch of research, lifted weights, started playing tennis, changed my diet. Now, I'm close to 60 pounds lighter and have lost 6 inches off my waist. Got a little more to go, but I steadily lose 1-2 pounds a week. You've got to remember, you didn't put it on in a week, you're not going to lose it that fast either.

Good luck to all of you, I'm not some skinny "gym-rat" who tells you how easy it is while their metabolism is burning like mad and they have 6% body fat. I've got a underactive thyroid and know what you're going through. I still weigh every day.


If the reason you're looking to exercise more is to lose weight and that's your primary focus, exercise doesn't have to be the jog six miles a day and then hit the weights for an hour.

It can be little simple things like walking around the block, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and parking your car far away from the store instead of right up close.

Men's Fitness did something a while ago that was really good. They showed a list of every day things that you could do and the resulting weight loss over the course of a year. I'll have to go and find it and post it. But simple things like walking up the stairs, parking far away, getting off the bus one stop earlier, walking to your colleague's office instead of sending an email or calling him, and so on really added up.

Okay, as promised, here is that Men's Fitness article.
While exercise is mentioned constantly, and I DO think it is great, it really, in my humble opinion, comes down more to what you eat. As has been said, you have to take in less than you burn. It's that simple.

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Absolutely. Exercise is a good thing, and you do increase your resting metabolic rate a bit when you build muscle, but exercise by itself isn't going to do the trick.

You've got to remember, you didn't put it on in a week, you're not going to lose it that fast either.

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That's the thing that drives me nuts about some of the diets they're selling. They all promise miracle weight loss with no effort. That's a bunch of hooey. You can't undo in one week what it took ten years to do.

And more importantly, Heath, great job on the 60 you've lost and good luck on the ten you're looking to lose.
Well... after reading all the success stories - I'll offer my antithesis:


I did the Atkins starting late last year, through June of this year and I lost about 10 lbs - total (Went from 215 to 205). That's with being RELIGIOUS to the program. I also exercised, drank lots of water and took the Atkins vitamin supplements.

I felt I did "okay", but nowhere near what I wanted to achieve.

Not that I'm saying the program does not work - it does - as evidenced by the stories above - it just didn't work for me.

Here's the catch though:

When you go off of the Atkins and go back to eating "normally" - watch out!!!

I've now GAINED 20 lbs!!! (205 to 225 - the heaviest I've EVER been).

I'm 6'3", so it's not TOO noticable (yeah right - keep tellin' yourself that R2F

The problem I'm having now is that I'm not making time to exercise... at all. I went from running 3 miles a night/4 nights a week AND working out.... to nadda... and it shows.

I'm not blaming the Atkins program - I'm blaming myself, but I have to say that I've yet to find something that has the desired results and it sticks....other than exercise, exercise, exercise!!

For those of you who have used the term "lifestyle change" - you've hit the nail on the head. You MUST change your lifestyle if you want to lose weight.

I've ALWAYS lost weight when I exercised. But, that's just how my body works.

Your mileage may vary.

(okay - that was the ramblings of a fat guy. It made no sense and went nowhere. Please ignore.

Does the Atkins let you drink bevereges? I'm just curious. I see so many people who are dieting and such and still waste 100 cals on a soda twice a day. What does Atkins say? Water only?
I did my own version of the atkins diet and I lost 42 pounds in less than three months. I started in June weighing in at 260lbs..the most I've ever been. And then by august I was and still am today 218lbs. I can post later of how I did it. But I agree with whoever said that you need to cook your own food. Its almost impossible to do this diet eating out a lot. You can eat out occasionally but not a lot.
Does the Atkins let you drink bevereges? I'm just curious. I see so many people who are dieting and such and still waste 100 cals on a soda twice a day. What does Atkins say? Water only?

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I'm not sure what atkins says on this...But I drank water only..nothing else.
No. You can drink sodas, but only diet sodas with no caffeen. Caffeen is a no-no.

IMHO, those things taste like ass, so I just drink water.
I did the Atkins starting late last year, through June of this year and I lost about 10 lbs - total (Went from 215 to 205). That's with being RELIGIOUS to the program. I also exercised, drank lots of water and took the Atkins vitamin supplements.

I felt I did "okay", but nowhere near what I wanted to achieve.

[/ QUOTE ]I'm sure that was disappointing for you, to say the least. One question for you: did you use the little ketone test strips? I'm guessing not, since they would have alerted you that something wasn't working right from the beginning.

For those who are now wondering what I'm talking about, you can buy little test strips that detect the quantity of ketones in your urine. Ketones are the chemical byproduct of lipolysis, the breakdown/conversion of a fat cell into blood glucose, your body's energy source. Ketones are eliminated from the bloodstream through urination. Their use isn't a required element of the Atkins plan, but they're useful for determining with certainty whether you've cut back on carbs enough to ensure your body is turning to its fat stores for energy.
Here's something you may find usefull.

Forbes Ten Healthiest Sports

Look at #1 baby, Squash! If anyone is every around SLC and wants some squash-action let me know. We have some of the best courts in the US at SquashWorks.

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I cannot believe that soccer isn't even on that list! Heck, as a midfielder, I basically have to sprint or run for the better part of 90 minutes. When I have the ball, I'm turning and juking like a freakin' tailback. Unlike a tailback, tho, I don't get to rest for two minutes after each play. I have to train before each season just to get up to game speed - and that's just for my local men's league team. If basketball is on the list, then soccer should be too!

It's all part of the American anti-soccer conspiracy.
One question for you: did you use the little ketone test strips? I'm guessing not,

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Nope - you're right - I didn't.

We thought (wrongly so apparently) that if we followed the guidelines/rules from the Atkins web site, that we wouldn't need the strips.

Oh well. Live and learn.

I just need to get my fat ass off the couch, into my New Balances and onto the street. Otherwise, instructing in a Traumahawk or a C-One-Fiddy is going to be awefully difficult.
Does the Atkins let you drink bevereges? I'm just curious. I see so many people who are dieting and such and still waste 100 cals on a soda twice a day. What does Atkins say? Water only?

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You can eat or drink whatever you like, just have to keep from taking in too many carbs at a time. Thus, regular sodas are off limits, but diet drinks are fine and encouraged, they just take a gettin' used to.

Oh, forgot to mention, there's another protein plan similar to Atkins that actually came out before Atkins and is easier to follow, I think. The book's called "Protein Power" and is actually what I followed.

Also, if you're doin' it right, you don't even have to have the keytone pee strips to know. When your body's producing keytones, the other place it gets rid of them is in your mouth and you get this kind of metallic taste. I can always tell when I'm burning fat that way.

Peace out,

PS - Funny, I come here for flight info, and spend more time posting about diet stuff!!!
When your body's producing keytones, the other place it gets rid of them is in your mouth and you get this kind of metallic taste.

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THAT, I had.