Aspiring Pilot.. Career thoughts

Capitan Guapo

New Member
Hi Everyone.
I'm only the very early stages in the process of starting a career in Aviation.
A lot of sources share that its best when starting your education to avoid majoring in Aviation.
The university I'm looking at offers its Aviation degree with a part 141 flight school, and getting the degree would make me eligible for the R-ATP certificate. With that certificate I could start employment at an airline with 1000 hours instead of 1500.

My question is, would 500 hours make that much of a difference? If we are talking about job security and having a fall back option if things get dicey. what would you recommend? Also I'm new here so please forgive me if there is already a post about this or if I'm in the wrong place.

Also I would greatly appreciate any important career decision advice I should have in mind as I'm starting this new chapter in my life.

First, have you taken intro flight? Second, make sure you can hold a first class medical. For me, going through a college Aviation program did not make financial sense to me. Yes you get a 500 hour reduction but the trade off is an insane amount of debt. I ended up doing everything part 61 and got my BA in Economics. I graduated with very little debt and still had the same ratings as the kid who graduated from ERAU, WMU, etc. I started flying at my airline at 22 years old and even made it to the regionals faster than some of my friends that went to an aviation college. Bottom line is it wasn’t worth it for ME. The way I did it, worked for me. There are lots of ways of getting to the airlines.
I agree with Jordan. There are a lot of reasonably priced universities including community colleges that offer aviation, but if you can't get in state tuition or some sort of reciprocity I'd look elsewhere. The hardest part of your career will be getting your first aviation job when you have 200-300 hours and that extra 500 hours won't make that big of a difference as you should be getting paid alright by then to work and if you end up working a busy job might just be an extra 6 months of work.
I wouldn’t get a degree just to shave off 500 for the ATP requirement. If you are teaching that is 5 to 7 months of work. How many years is it going to take to payback tuition for an aviation degree?
My best bet is pump gas at a FBO as you get a business degree. Be friendly and helpful to the people you meet. When opportunities arise, those same people might recommend you.
My A P hasn't let students fly my plane for fuel this year - I don't fly anymore. Be in the mix and always talk, remember everyone's name possible, good things can come your way