I thought very very strongly about this, got a packet pretty much built, got references, worked a bunch on my "Why do you want to be an army aviator" etc. Talked to IanJ on the phone. I was really hyped for awhile on this until I realized that in some cases, the application process can take up to 2 years or more, even with all of your ducks in a row. Make sure your debt is negligible, as a friend of mine is still waiting to even get his security clearance. Not that I don't want to do it anymore, but honestly, when I could finish off college in two years, then apply for a commission, the pay combined with the fact that WOs are pretty much just pilots (which is both good and bad, its nice to fly, but I would enjoy the progression of attaining higher leadership roles I think) is something that eventually dissuaded me from going for it for now, instead I moved to Juneau to finish school.