AMF going glass?

Don't need glass for that. I used to fly a 1967 BE99 that was not only equipped, but actually APPROVED for LPV minimums.
I finally flew my Twin Bonanza today. Having a PFD is nifty, puts everything up in your scan, and, when you use it properly, you can really get a LOT better situation awareness out of it.

That said, the original plan was just to do a GNS 430W in the airplane - which would have been adequate.
Supposedly we are getting MFDs. The only reason is because of ADS-B requirements.

Haha! I'll believe that when I see it. All the airplanes were supposed to have 430s with WAAS over 3 years ago. When I left only about 1/3 of the fleet had them.
Heck I remember one week of hard IFR I would have killed just for heading-bug on my precessing DG.

Edit: Who do I need to talk to get "precessing" as a recognized word.
" precessional DG." sounds la stupid.
Heck I remember one week of hard IFR I would have killed just for heading-bug on my precessing DG.

Edit: Who do I need to talk to get "precessing" as a recognized word.
" precessional DG." sounds la stupid.
We had some non-slaving vacuum powered HSI's. They did have heading bugs.
Well one plane has it installed. I've seen it in person so take it for what it's worth.

All glass aircraft go to SEA first. Seriously. Not joking. They have all GPSs up there in every plane. Tons of money could be saved on fuel at other bases if they had GPS aircraft. Their schedule is also the best. Leave at 6:30AM home by 6:30PM (something close to that). No wonder it is so senior up there.
All glass aircraft go to SEA first. Seriously. Not joking. They have all GPSs up there in every plane. Tons of money could be saved on fuel at other bases if they had GPS aircraft. Their schedule is also the best. Leave at 6:30AM home by 6:30PM (something close to that). No wonder it is so senior up there.
That's not really any different than here. Show at 530, leave by 630ish and home by 630-7 depending on the run. Most likely the reason for GPS is in the NW, there is a lot of low ifr and there are a lot of airports where the only way you can reliably serve that airport is with the LPV approach.
That's not really any different than here. Show at 530, leave by 630ish and home by 630-7 depending on the run. Most likely the reason for GPS is in the NW, there is a lot of low ifr and there are a lot of airports where the only way you can reliably serve that airport is with the LPV approach.
? the hell runs do you have up there.
I was showing at 4:30AM and getting in around 9PM

No wonder my Portland bros are still around.
From everything I've heard about AMF (mostly from you guys), the day they get all G1000s is the day hell freezes over. :D
The same can be said for the pay raise in the larger equipment
Yeah. That won't happen till our competition increases their pay. Knowing our competition, that won't happen soon. At least nothing significant enough for AMF to increase pay.

Technically AMF has given a pay drop since the turbine retention fell from 10% to 7% for the larger equipment.

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