Alaska Hawaiian Merger?


Any response? We all love our extracurricular activities, I'm just now curious how you think "work" should bend around those versus the other way around.

Sorry if being outdoors and enjoying my life delayed the response. I have to cut and paste here to respond.

Let me turn around the easel and show you the picture I've painted from your post history:
  • Your time at FlexJet (the second largest fractional in the country) was full of unsafe captains, political infighting, and a meritocracy that never worked to your advantage because your standards were higher than everyone else you flew with
  • After making it to a major, your experience with captains was so bad you simply had to take the first upgrade in the name of safety/operational efficiency/crew coordination (take your pick, there seem to have been a number of reasons)
  • Having now made it to the left seat, and knowing before-hand the seniority you'd be sitting there, the company and union are now out to screw you with schedules and work rules that get in the way of your ability to take, what appear to us non-airline pilots, an absurd amount of time off on a regular basis
  • You don't want to invest the time it takes to actually make your schedule better despite multiple people on here telling you how it could be done since they all must be a bunch of "fat nerds"
  • You don't want to downgrade to a better schedule and QOL because see second bullet
  • You seem to have grossly unrealistic expectations for your seniority in seat yet it's always "somebody else's" fault
Is that a flattering portrait you've painted here?

I pointed out that the most junior pilot at the airline that we just acquired can bid for long periods of time off. If they opt in to work for long stretches as well. I pointed out that this is better than the system I am dealing with. I don't see how factually this is incorrect. Factually I have to work for 40 to 50 days with just one or two days off to get two periods of 6 days off. This resulted in one poster calling me a liar and claiming a program for more time off was available to me when it was not. I don't like it but the schedule I am working is the schedule that exists in reality.

First off why would I downgrade? I'll likely just be forced to downgrade soon enough anyhow. During the last merger there were special status' created for junior captains. Possibly I'll be able to bid for an extended leave with higher pay. Seems that the recommendation is just rage quitting and I'm not going to do that. Yes I also don't want to downgrade because while I have flown with some great leaders at my current shop a lot of the captains are not great leaders. You hear a lot of "oh so and so is a nice guy he is just weird about turning off all the automation and making the FO turn off the automation too." Stuff like that. Personally, I don't care if someone is a nice person. If they are a good leader that shouldn't matter. If you're a crap leader you are bad at this job. Being a "nice guy" doesn't make up for any of that. You shouldn't be in a leadership position. Point blank.

I'll just say it. I'm not a nice person. But I'm a good leader. I'll treat people with respect and let them do things how they want. As long as that is professional. Being a "nice guy" shouldn't matter at work. We aren't here to be friends. I'm going to safely operate machines and then bugger off as quickly as possible for somewhere fun until I'm dragged back to work.

If you haven't noticed a lot of posters here make it seem super easy to trade. Even though they are not in my base. They also point out there are programs available to me to spend less time at work when they are not. The one thing in common with these posters are they are not based in Seattle. I've sat in front of the computer after arranging my life to trade days and usually it is a giant disappointment. The system is easily overloaded with trades and often the trades do not go through. Our company forum is filled with these complaints but I'll be an entire paycheck the 4 posters here who are based in PDX and LAX will tell me that I'm lying.

Also, I'm going to have to find a computer with a fast internet connection and attempt this fire drill during my vacation when I could be backpacking deep in the backcountry of British Columbia. With zero guarantee that this will even help. This is what you have characterized as not taking the time to invest in making my schedule better. I'd point out how this is a gross misrepresentation but basically that is all this website is good for. So you must be proud of yourself.
Myself and Pepperidge Farms remember...

What exactly did I say about SkyWest?

The IT was better than where I work
The base manager was super nice. In general mgmt was better than where I work
Reserve was easier
Training was light years better
Equipment was better
Trips were easier
Pay was the pay. It didn't matter.
The entire time I was there I flew with one weird captain. He got mad when I said I'd been hired at a major. I asked if he applied and he responded no.

In fact @word302 let me live in his head rent free and began his character attacks on me on the Life After SkyWest Facebook page. When I said these exact things.
Sorry if being outdoors and enjoying my life delayed the response. I have to cut and paste here to respond.

Let me turn around the easel and show you the picture I've painted from your post history:
  • Your time at FlexJet (the second largest fractional in the country) was full of unsafe captains, political infighting, and a meritocracy that never worked to your advantage because your standards were higher than everyone else you flew with
  • After making it to a major, your experience with captains was so bad you simply had to take the first upgrade in the name of safety/operational efficiency/crew coordination (take your pick, there seem to have been a number of reasons)
  • Having now made it to the left seat, and knowing before-hand the seniority you'd be sitting there, the company and union are now out to screw you with schedules and work rules that get in the way of your ability to take, what appear to us non-airline pilots, an absurd amount of time off on a regular basis
  • You don't want to invest the time it takes to actually make your schedule better despite multiple people on here telling you how it could be done since they all must be a bunch of "fat nerds"
  • You don't want to downgrade to a better schedule and QOL because see second bullet
  • You seem to have grossly unrealistic expectations for your seniority in seat yet it's always "somebody else's" fault
Is that a flattering portrait you've painted here?

I pointed out that the most junior pilot at the airline that we just acquired can bid for long periods of time off. If they opt in to work for long stretches as well. I pointed out that this is better than the system I am dealing with. I don't see how factually this is incorrect. Factually I have to work for 40 to 50 days with just one or two days off to get two periods of 6 days off. This resulted in one poster calling me a liar and claiming a program for more time off was available to me when it was not. I don't like it but the schedule I am working is the schedule that exists in reality.

First off why would I downgrade? I'll likely just be forced to downgrade soon enough anyhow. During the last merger there were special status' created for junior captains. Possibly I'll be able to bid for an extended leave with higher pay. Seems that the recommendation is just rage quitting and I'm not going to do that. Yes I also don't want to downgrade because while I have flown with some great leaders at my current shop a lot of the captains are not great leaders. You hear a lot of "oh so and so is a nice guy he is just weird about turning off all the automation and making the FO turn off the automation too." Stuff like that. Personally, I don't care if someone is a nice person. If they are a good leader that shouldn't matter. If you're a crap leader you are bad at this job. Being a "nice guy" doesn't make up for any of that. You shouldn't be in a leadership position. Point blank.

I'll just say it. I'm not a nice person. But I'm a good leader. I'll treat people with respect and let them do things how they want. As long as that is professional. Being a "nice guy" shouldn't matter at work. We aren't here to be friends. I'm going to safely operate machines and then bugger off as quickly as possible for somewhere fun until I'm dragged back to work.

If you haven't noticed a lot of posters here make it seem super easy to trade. Even though they are not in my base. They also point out there are programs available to me to spend less time at work when they are not. The one thing in common with these posters are they are not based in Seattle. I've sat in front of the computer after arranging my life to trade days and usually it is a giant disappointment. The system is easily overloaded with trades and often the trades do not go through. Our company forum is filled with these complaints but I'll be an entire paycheck the 4 posters here who are based in PDX and LAX will tell me that I'm lying.

Also, I'm going to have to find a computer with a fast internet connection and attempt this fire drill during my vacation when I could be backpacking deep in the backcountry of British Columbia. With zero guarantee that this will even help. This is what you have characterized as not taking the time to invest in making my schedule better. I'd point out how this is a gross misrepresentation but basically that is all this website is good for. So you must be proud of yourself.

You’re a good leader? Ha yah right. When you have to write you’re a good leader, then you aren’t one.

This post is very telling. You made a reputation of yourself at this shop when you were a FO, and now doing it as a CA. A good leader would recognize that and pipe it down.

I know your type. Mr Right Seat Captain. That’s what you are. Now that your got a position of power, you don’t want to give it up. Don’t make merger excuses. You are the type A right seat CA who will never give up the left seat.

You are an embarrassment.
And BodDDuck pointed out that the reserve days off in a row could not be pulled by junior reserves like you are. So even at HAL being in the bottom 10, no you couldn’t get those stretches of days off you mentioned.
“ Yes I also don't want to downgrade because while I have flown with some great leaders at my current shop a lot of the captains are not great leaders. “

Everyone else is the problem! Not me!


“ I'll treat people with respect and let them do things how they want. “

And what leaders trashes another crew publicly over an APU? So much for respect.
Current room temp.
Can I just say, the *fistbump hug* airline partnership videos make me cringe. I know it’s all just optics sent down from management. Same visceral reaction when I saw the United/Emirates video
mgmt's quarterly downgrade messaging
they will downgrade you back to FO
credible threats on downgrades from the MEC and MGMT
a credible threat of a downgrade
MGMT would have downgraded captains
I'll likely take a downgrade but not until the SLI is sorted.
I can not downgrade until there is a position bid
I did not upgrade for the money.
a forced downgrade in late 2026
I will happily take downgrade
Maybe in two years with a forced downgrade
just wait on the eventual forced downgrade
First off why would I downgrade?
likely just be forced to downgrade

You are seriously wild.
