
Probably because most of them are posted by imature 10-15 year olds.....

Gotta love those Airbus Vs Boeing wars between the "armchair airline CEO's"....
...I'm not even going to say anything....

ACTUALLY, yes I am.

The way I see it, anet is like where people who have no idea about aviation in any shape way or form, and feel like asking dumb questions and then flaming about it go...Now here, some questions are dumb, but nobody gets flamed, if your not in the squawk box....
There was a great one recently where they all augrued over whether DC9's and DC10's where still safe to fly, seems they all know better then thousand of airline execs and pilots.......
It's always a ongoing battle about something there. I love to watch. I wish their would be a battle of Ilyushin vs. Tupolev. It would shut up most of the people.
I've never read any of the forums.......maybe I should. I could use the entertainment!
they just had one that was something to the effect of "if you saw a paricular a/c at the gate would you not board?" eople are posting stuff like, dc-10 717, have some serious issues...a plane is a plane is a plane....if it has passed inspections ill fly it...hell i fly cessnas at a flight academy, nothing scares me anymore! haha
And you gotta love the "When will NWA Retire its DC-9s?". Forum Entertainment is Cool!~
Cessna's or pipers?

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They don't talk about little planes and don't respect little plane pilots. So it's more like Boeing or Airbus
Just one question: why are all of the forum posts so.................STUPID?!

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Not all are stupid, but you do have to work to find the interesting ones, there are some nice folks on the website. The only problem is that there is no age limit, so you get kids on the website, and lets just say, they are not the sharpest knife in the draw.
Yeah, you have to search for intelligent members on There are alot of retired F/As and Pilots, but however there are an abundance of smartass 10 year olds who think they know everything. It seems like every single post is like "What is your favorite terminal in KMIA" or "When was your last trip on AAL".....who cares?

There are many other good message boards such as this one
A few years ago, some guy told me that Delta was expected to retire their 737-200's in the next year. That was news to me because I was an MCO-based 737-200 FO.

To make a long story short, after a little verbal rasslin' back and forth, I concluded that he based his opinion on that because "...they have those long engines and everyone's getting rid of airplanes with those".
