Airline guys rejoice


Were you ever able to successfully scrub that stench off? :)
Eww. Probably reeked of essence of colostomy bag!

Gore was weird.
You haven't lived till you've picked the corn out of your hair after a lav dump went bad. Gotta love Falcon lavs. Great sense of humor those frenchman have.
For you don't have to clean up crap like this.

I'm going to start my own "monthly photos" ala Citationkid. Except in mine, you're going to see the less appealing side of GA/corporate flying.


I think the peanut smashed and stuck to the bottom of the sliding door is a nice touch on this one...


These pics really don't do it justice.

Does anyone else think the cover page of "Men's Health" is "What Winners Know?" is a tad ironic in this situation.
3 months ago a fat lady clipped her fingernails in my plane so I asked her if she took them out with her and she giggled and said no so I told her she was disgusting and shouldn't be out in public.
3 months ago a fat lady clipped her fingernails in my plane so I asked her if she took them out with her and she giggled and said no so I told her she was disgusting and shouldn't be out in public.
What kind of flying are you doing these days?
yup, i've done my share cleaning up stuff like that. worked as a ground agent for the former expressjet airline and we would have to clean those planes up at night when we sleep them, and an allegiant md80. it was no fun, and almost always disgusting