Airline guys rejoice


Mashin' dem buttons
For you don't have to clean up crap like this.

I'm going to start my own "monthly photos" ala Citationkid. Except in mine, you're going to see the less appealing side of GA/corporate flying.


I think the peanut smashed and stuck to the bottom of the sliding door is a nice touch on this one...


These pics really don't do it justice.
If you were an airline guy instead of complaining you'd say something like "sweet! free food!! I don't have to eat my oatmeal for dinner tonight!!! Woo-hooo!!!"

Sad thing is, I'm totally serious.
Owners, not charter. Makes it even worse huh?

Ewww....another thing that is nasty....They didn't just end the flight and magically the cabin became messy. They had to be traveling like that....

As a 7 year 121 F/A..... that looks out-of-place why?

Pretty much every flight I worked ended up looking like that.... :rolleyes: Sometimes we had to clean it up, sometimes we had cabin service to do it for us. Nas-Tee.

People are slobs.
If you were an airline guy instead of complaining you'd say something like "sweet! free food!! I don't have to eat my oatmeal for dinner tonight!!! Woo-hooo!!!"

Sad thing is, I'm totally serious.

Totally dude! I see an unopened bag of peanuts! Those are great when you need an energy boost.
Heard a story from a friend of a friend at Netjets. Apparently, they had a customer that trashed the airplane so badly, they had to fly it to a place to have it cleaned. From what he said, Netjets sent the cleaning bill to the customer.
While I've never seen a 121 plane THAT bad, quarter the amount of trash and expand those 4 seats to 50 (or 70) and you'll see what our FAs deal with every day. We don't have cabin service personnel at any of the our stations, and can only get HAZMAT cleanup at the hubs so it's on the flight crew to clean up between each flight. It's a mess to say the least.