What's going on with Air Methods? This morning they closed bases in Chickasha & Seminole, OK. Three weeks ago they closed Meridianville, AL. I'm sure there are others. Company closing MedFlight Huntsville base in Meridianville
Medevac, rotor wing in particular, has been in a supply glut for a while. Coupled with the good market for pilots I’d expect to see a lot more of this in the coming years.What's going on with Air Methods?
But yeah...Medicaid reimbursement on air medical flights is terrible, and certain areas of the country do almost nothing but that (like you get a paper cut, we’re airlifting you to the big city).
Misuse of air medical assets on by using them on calls that in no way require air med is something I find annoying. Both as an EMS provider in my contract work, as well as an aviator. It's an risk undertaken, for both flight crew as well as patient, for no viable reason other than mere convenience on these types of calls.
Looks like in AZ, they just closed down Show Low, Springerville, Globe and Willcox helicopter bases tonight.
Air Methods Shutters Four Bases in Oklahoma
Air ambulance provider Air Methods abruptly closed four bases in Oklahoma over the weekend. The company said it closed the bases in Chickasha, Keefeton, Seminole, and South Tulsa due to financial considerations.
These closures will affect up to 60 employees and the company said it is working to find them other opportunities within Air Methods. Each base operated 24/7 and had a budget of close to $3 million. Air Methods said it will continue to provide neonatal air transport in the area via its AirKids1 program in Oklahoma City.
Although I have insurance that would cover a good hunk of medical evac, for the last decade or so, I've purchased plans from Air Evac and Air Methods. Currently, I have an Air Evac plan. I don't think Air Methods still has a plan. Air Evac provides primary services in the two or three areas I spend 95% of the time.
What you do that requires you to purchase a helo evac plan?! I hadn't even heard of that.
What you do that requires you to purchase a helo evac plan?! I hadn't even heard of that.
Rural medical care is good for setting broken bones and treating the symptoms of diabetes and that's about it.
Yea, maybe, but get a splinter and ya better ring the choppa!
What you do that requires you to purchase a helo evac plan?! I hadn't even heard of that.