Adult Disney / Universal Vacation Adict

The ex in-laws used to take my and my ex's family every year when they had what was called the Grand Plan. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, was included from limo to/from airport to unlimited food and room service (some room service breakfasts for 11 were upwards of 1k), unlimited golf and lesson etc etc etc. Ridiculously expensive, upwards of like 15k for 10 days for 11 people. Stupid expensive, but I wasn't paying for it and the kids had fun. I joke with my now current cooler wife that I want to go there for every vacation (big age diff with this one) and I get the "I'm leaving you for someone my own age and who's cooler" look.

It's not for me, but was a great time as the kids were growing up.

My favorite story was, and I don't know if anyone will remember the ads right after the Super Bowl where they did that "I'm going to DisneyWorld" thing and there was a guy in the ad, dressed in Victorian era garb from the Grand Floridian tipping his cap as someone got out of their car. Well as we pull up in the limo the door opens and this same guy from the ad says to my kids, "Good afternoon Miss Alex, Good afternoon Master Evan welcome back to the Grand Floridian"....The kids and the ex thought it was awesome.

I thought how does this f***ing pedophile know my kids names when we're just arriving.;)
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We are Disney Addicts as well, (we are more broke Disney Addicts than @ZapBrannigan though) we don't even have kids so I'm not sure if that makes is worse or better. When I was with my last airline we had annual passes for 3 years and we went all the time, loved it. Now with the new job (the paycut and crappy ltd) its not in the cards for annual passes. We actually are going next week for the Wine and Dine Half Marathon, we planned on going last year but the wife had hip surgery so we delayed the half until this year. I'm pretty sad about the fact that the new(ish) job doesn't offer me a favorable Disney lifestyle that I would like to live. Also you can't beat Food and Wine Festival for Drinking Around the World!
I've learned one thing from this thread. You people are a bunch of drunks and need to a visit a different kind of addict message board.
I've learned one thing from this thread. You people are a bunch of drunks and need to a visit a different kind of addict message board.

Says the guy who, the last time I saw him, was out drinking with us.

Pot. Kettle. How come we cain't get no cab?

I don't have kids so maybe that's a big part of it but my fiance and I just can't understand vacation "attractions" like Disney at all. Many of us on this board have access to the entire route structures of massive, global airlines in addition to deeply discounted standby travel on hundreds of international airlines. I find I can't even go to the same place more than once because there are so many places I still want to see. We both have the mindset that even after we have kids we'd like them to see the world rather than $10 hot dogs so hopefully kids won't change much other than the amount of Chang consumed at noon on the beach.

Get out there and explore a little!
The wife and I went on a 7 day Walt Disney World vacation in September. We have no kids, we had a BLAST. Disney has an amazing atmosphere, fun parks, good food and drink, just an overall great experience. I'm right with you man. The moment we got back she and I started counting out the days until we can go back.

Epcot is my favorite, I hitting up the Germany pavilion for food and beer