Adding Oil to a piston airplane on a 135 certifcate

Cartman: GD Hippies!

This was one of my favorite memes of 2017 lol

I'm surprised none of the 1.6 million CRJ pilots on here haven't replied with "I add oil on a regular basis!!"

I dunno how it is at other airlines but we didn't. MX came and did it.

Actually we used to do it quite frequently just a little before you started with us. I still hear the drone of the APU from sticking my head up in there. Thankfully I could usually get the captain to do it for me by claiming my height disadvantage.
Actually we used to do it quite frequently just a little before you started with us. I still hear the drone of the APU from sticking my head up in there. Thankfully I could usually get the captain to do it for me by claiming my height disadvantage.
EM2 oil was also self-servicing for a while, but overservicing has lousy results.