You know what Irealized for the first time- No matter what happens, we're all pilots. We're in this together. What ever is best for us all is what we should fight for. American, United, Delta, and other majors have typically paid their pilots well. I went into this profession for the love of flying. Now that I have devoted countless days and nights to it, and have yet to contribute many more, I feel that I deserve good pay for the sacrifice.
If you don't realize this yet, you are a FOOL!
I see resentment in the corporate community as well as the military sector. Many corporate and military dudes always applaud the LCCs because they think the mainline guys don't deserve the $200K+/year salaries.
If pilots stuck together and held a standard at the regional level or the LCCs we wouldn't have this problem. However, in the real world, theres always some desperate guy(scab) willing to take that job for almost nothing. Everyone sticking together and holding out for better pay is an unrealistic goal.
All I can say is I hope the LCCs fail because I grew up dreaming that I'd be flying the mainline carriers some day! Why would anyone of you WANT to work for any less money with all the sacrifice and hard work your putting into this profession?