A day in the life...

My next trip starts on Saturday night. For the rest of the month I'm doing red-eyes, which means I fly the last flight out at night, and the first flight in in the morning. I have the whole day off in between.

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Do you get to crash in a hotel room for the few hours betwen those flights? Or do they say, here's the crew room and a cot.
Nope, we get a hotel. Some nice hotels even. Strange though, because at mainline ATA they don't get hotels! I don't know how THAT works.
6 Legs a day...YOWZA!

I did 5 once and though it was the end of the world. Our schedules in the RJs are quite a bit different and the only time youll see 6 legs is inter-florida flying and thats still somewhat rare. At my airline its mostly 2-4 leg days with average flight times of 1:15-2:15 flights. Just in the past 3 weeks ive done overnites in Montreal, Portland Maine, Fort Lauderdale, Richmond, Houston, and Philly. We also have 1, 2, 3, and 4 day trips and that varies mostly on the base. The "regionals" are certainly changing and encompass a wide variety of flying.
My next trip starts on Saturday night. For the rest of the month I'm doing red-eyes, which means I fly the last flight out at night, and the first flight in in the morning. I have the whole day off in between.

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Red-Eyes? Red-Eyes are overnight trans-cons! What you're doing we called 'Stand-Ups'. Because you feel like you've been 'standing up' all damn night!

I did a whole month of those once, hated them. Some people really like them though, because they don't leave until late at night, so they can be home with the kids all day, and then they get back early enough in the morning that they're home before their spouse has to leave for work, so no daycare required!
At Skyway, we called them "Stand Ups" or "High Speed Layovers"

I hated them because at some of the stations, we'd land at night, have to put the prop straps on and the intake plugs, chock the aircraft, clean the aircraft, do paperwork, fax the papers back to MKE all before heading off to the hotel.

Then the next morning (well, later that morning), we'd have to unchock (for the most part), take the straps off, do the first-flight runup, usually deice and then begin the day.

I DO NOT miss them!
We call em' Highspeeds. I actually don't mind them too much, I am pretty much a night-owl.

I think ASA calls em' Naps.....very appropriate description....
Yeah, they call them standups here, I just call them red-eyes since everyone who does them has red-eyes in the morning.
Plus all my friends relate more to them that way, so it just stuck I guess.
Thanks Matt. Posts like this keep me motivated to keep plugging away to achieve my dream.

Did you get to MLI after it quit snowing? I believe it quit around 10:00 p.m. I just remeber it being really cold that night.


Posts like this help me realize there is a light at the end of the tunnel... the long, long tunnel

I hated them because at some of the stations, we'd land at night, have to put the prop straps on and the intake plugs, chock the aircraft, clean the aircraft, do paperwork, fax the papers back to MKE all before heading off to the hotel.

Then the next morning (well, later that morning), we'd have to unchock (for the most part), take the straps off, do the first-flight runup, usually deice and then begin the day.

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Are regional pilots still required to do all that stuff when doing stand ups?
Yeah, they call them standups here, I just call them red-eyes since everyone who does them has red-eyes in the morning.
Plus all my friends relate more to them that way, so it just stuck I guess.

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Even better is what they called em' at Northwest when they had them on the DC-9.... "Illegals"

Thats an even MORE accurate description!

I hated them because at some of the stations, we'd land at night, have to put the prop straps on and the intake plugs, chock the aircraft, clean the aircraft, do paperwork, fax the papers back to MKE all before heading off to the hotel.

Then the next morning (well, later that morning), we'd have to unchock (for the most part), take the straps off, do the first-flight runup, usually deice and then begin the day.

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Are regional pilots still required to do all that stuff when doing stand ups?

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Sort of. When we get in, we still put on prop straps and the like, and do our terminating checklists. Then, in the morning, we have to take out all the plugs/straps, and do first flight items. We don't clean our planes or do paperwork, however.
Even better is what they called em' at Northwest when they had them on the DC-9.... "Illegals"

Thats an even MORE accurate description!

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Yeah, they should be illegal! The only time I've ever been more fatigued in my life than that month of stand-ups was when my baby was a newborn wanting to be feed every three hours!
Year in the life of a regional pilot (if you can read it):

Type Amount
Pilot Bonus $0.00
Bereavement Pay $0.00
Holiday Pay $327.16
IOE Pay $0.00
NonTax Per Diem $2,872.90
Regular $10,021.62
Reserve Pay $4,121.22
Retro Pay $0.00
Taxable PerDiem $284.23
Training Pay $2,991.80
User Pay $172.65
User Payout 0.00 $0.00
Vacation Pay 0.00 $0.00
Total $20,751.54

Type Amount
401(k) $2,169.34
Air Fare Deduct $430.65
Air Fare Refund $0.00
AIG AD&D Insura $0.00
AIG AD&D Insura $0.00
AIG AD&D Insura $0.00
Delta Dental In $88.92
Dependent Life $0.00
Employee Life $0.00
FSA Dep Care $0.00
FSA Medical Exp $0.00
ARAG Legal/Fin $0.00
Emp Purchase $177.21
Spouse Life $0.00
STD Flight Atte $0.00
STD Pilots $0.00
Stock Purchase $1.047.95
Medical Ins $647.35
UA Companion $0.00
UA Comp Refund $0.00
Vision Insuranc $0.00
Write Your Own $89.98
WYO Refund $0.00
Total $4,649.36

Type Amount
CA State Income $123.45
CA Disability E $109.49
Federal Income $745.74
Employee Medica $251.47
Social Security $1,097.50
Total $2,335.65