A day in the life...


Vintage Restoration
I've gotten like 10 e-mails asking me to write a "day in the life of a regional pilot" piece, and considering the excitement of my last trip I figured I'd oblige. So here ya go.

I just finished a 5-day trip today, one which originally was scheduled to look like the following:

A Day in the Life of a Regional Pilot

Hope this fulfilled all you guys/gals wanted in your e-mails. Sorry, near the end I started to fade...
Sounds like a busy 5 days, Matt! Thanks for taking the time to share it with us. Cheers to you!


Nice post, I also just want to thank you for your time in writing this as well, it was very informative about your day to day activities.

Thanks for taking the time Matt. It's really informative for those of us just starting out!
That was a pretty nice read. I will read that stuff anytime you have the chance to write it. Thanks.
Good info!

I'm going to steal it and make it into a web page if you don't mind!
Thanks for the post chicaga. It sounds like you love your job, who wouldn't. I would love to fly for Chicago Express. Are their any plans for the airline to expand its operations?

Only 5 or 6 legs a day... That's not working. You should try 9 and 10 legs a day with a 7+59 scheduled block!!

When are you coming back to Vegas?
Thanks for that post Matt. It's really helpful to get an idea of what the day-to-day life is like.
Hey Matt,
How many days do you have between this trip and the next one?

Please note I said days not dates...
very nice write up Matt. It sounds like a very hectic day, but offered great insight into the inner workings. Doug, the day in the life story pg. looks great. Thanks for the work involved on both of your parts. It makes days like today (flying half-a#$ brainfart approaches) worthwhile.

keep the shiny side up !!!
very nice write up Matt. It sounds like a very hectic day, but offered great insight into the inner workings. Doug, the day in the life story pg. looks great. Thanks for the work involved on both of your parts. It makes days like today (flying half-a#$ brainfart approaches) worthwhile.

keep the shiny side up !!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey, that's why the website's here!

Thanks to Matt for the fresh content!

I've been catching some slack from a couple of goons from 'another regional' that my information regarding regionals was out of date, so now they'll be happy!
Very good report, you're a good person bro, and you didnt forget about us here at JC when you got yourself a "real" job lol, just can't wait till I'll be able to make those posts myself, take care, write again! lol
My next trip starts on Saturday night. For the rest of the month I'm doing red-eyes, which means I fly the last flight out at night, and the first flight in in the morning. I have the whole day off in between.