A challenge from Husband


New Member
Ok, so, due to my need to be in control of everything, you should see how I get when my husband is driving. Well, he thinks because of that, and because I can't park large vehicles, and because I hate roller coasters, that I couldn't fly a plane. He wants me to take an intro flight, cause I told him I could do it. Of course I really have no idea if I could or not. I have only been up with him once and I got a few tummy knots. So, do I try, and hope for success but risk having to come hom with my tail between my legs? Or do I leave the flying for the man? Does anyone else here have control issues and hate rollar coasters, but still able to fly? If I do do it, I think I should make my husband knit a scarf or something. I wonder if there is a trusting enough instructor out there......
you should see how I get when my husband is driving.

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Alllriiiiight!!! Glad to hear I'm not alone!!

He wants me to take an intro flight, cause I told him I could do it. Of course I really have no idea if I could or not.

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Do it! You won't know until you try. Heck - you might even love it!

Good luck! Definitely keep us posted.

I absolutely HATE roller coasters, yet I can do spins and aerobatics all day long. I also skydive on a regular basis. I hate it when people use the roller-coaster analogy to determine if someone will enjoy flying. My personal reasons for disliking rollercoasters? I hate lines, teenie-boppers, and amusement parks in general. Not only that, but they just don't "do it" for me. I get my kicks doing other things.

As far as the intro...I'd say go for it!
u should see how I get when my husband is driving

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I never seem to find the controls in the back - however I am sure they are there.

The thing is flying is not something where you can jump in the plane and bang around the sky like you have done it all your life. To learn to fly it takes many hours of hard work, both in the air and on the ground. If you want an intro flight to see what it is like , or if you would commit a couple hours a week to taking lessons and getting your license then go for it. Maybe go dog fighting at one of those places, you could battle him there.

(note to your husband - what a silly thing to suggest!!! It is bad enough being nagged when you drive, imagine it when you are flying!!! You better double check all the aircraft you fly have intercom switches!!)
I definately think you should do it. If you end up enjoying the flight, think of the possibilities. I have gone on a couple of cross country flights that I wish my wife would have gone with. My daughters, while they don't fly very often, love it and have never thought twice about going. My oldest daughter is 13 and has asked about taking lessons. I'll probably have her wait it out a couple of years.

I wouldn't worry about the roller coaster thing. I like roller coasters, but don't really equate normal flying to roller coasters. The intro flight is more of a familiarzation flight, no stalls, slow flight or steep turns. Probably just becoming familiar with the aircraft controls etc. The only measure of success of the intro flight is that you have done it. As long as you go on the intro flight, you have been successful at it.

Good luck.
I think he's thinking that I'll chicken out. I had a really hard time on the one flight I went on with him cause I was in charge and I had no idea if he was doing everything right. I know I have issues. LOL. I don't like rollar coasters cause my tummy jumps to my throat, same thing with turbulance on the planes. He thinks I won't be able to land it, I guess if you are good the instructor lets you land on the first flight? If I can't park an SUV, I don't know how I am going to land a plane. Maybe they'll put out bumper pads like at the bowling alley?
I guess if you are good the instructor lets you land on the first flight?

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I don't know about that. I usually don't get into teaching landings until at least the 3rd lesson or so. If anything the instructor will talk you through the landing and be on the controls with you. Just my opinion.

Good luck.
I guess if you are good the instructor lets you land on the first flight?

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Not this instructor! The most I will let an intro. do is "follow me" on the controls (basically, just putting their hand on the yoke, and resting feet on the pedals).

If they're real jumpy, or an idiot, then I make them sit on their hands!
Ya, I bet I'll be sitting on my hands! Otherwise I might grab the controlls and say "You are doing it wrong"!!! Maybe he meant they let me "help" land, not land on my own. Anyone else feel a lawsuit coming my way? Lol.
I agree with all the seasoned pros here -- go for it! I also don't think the roller coaster is an accurate analogy. I can't remember a time when the theme park let me learn how to run the roller coaster, and then let me operate it when I was on it. (Not that that would actually work, but hopefully you get my point.)

For me, I'd love to learn how to fly. Sadly, though, our household budget can barely afford one aspiring pilot, let alone two. So, at least for now, I must leave the flying to my husband.

You must keep us posted!

I have to agree - go for it.... who knows, you might end up flying better than hubby!

I've been up once and doug handed me the controls for about 10 minutes... i was only freaked cuz there was nothing but air beneath me... but i have a feeling, i could probably land the plane and would probably love the take-off!! just dunno if i have the gumption or $$ to pay doug to teach me! haha

I have to agree - go for it.... who knows, you might end up flying better than hubby!

I've been up once and doug handed me the controls for about 10 minutes... i was only freaked cuz there was nothing but air beneath me... but i have a feeling, i could probably land the plane and would probably love the take-off!! just dunno if i have the gumption or $$ to pay doug to teach me! haha


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Yeah, my rates would be pretty high!
This is what you should do:
Sneak behind his back and take about a dozen flying lessons before he takes you up to break your chops. Sweeten the pot and make a bet that heavily favors you and then when he takes you up you can play the "weak" female part only to turn on him and show him who's Boss. Then savor your victory and enjoy the spoils of his humility.

I wouldn't recomend this to any one but based on your fiestyness here on the board you can definatley do it.

Good Luck
Kristie did a great job. I showed her "what was what" and had her fly us back towards Orlando. Kept the heading within 10 degrees, speed stable and +/- 20 feet in cruise flight and dig a great job in the turns as well!
ROFL! Oh my gosh! I am SOOO gonna do that!

Except, now he'll probably read this first! So, what do I make him do when I ace the landing by myself? Should he have to take me to a ballet? Or perhaps, let me wax his eyebrows? Or make him sew a quilt? Any other ideas?
I think Doug has forgotten about things like carb heat, mixture, and how to get ATIS via the radio.

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I may have forgotten about carb heat and the mixture control, but geez, at 90 knots, you've got more than enough time to forget it, remember it, forget and remember it again before you've got to do anything! Ha!

And, uhh, I've gotten ATIS via the radio, umm, lemme think... Yeah! Flying into Billings, MT about four months ago!

Actually, the hardest aircraft in the world to fly, other than MikeD in the A-10 getting shot at by the Taliban, has got to be a single-pilot piston twin.

ballet, quilt? hell no, that's too simple!! have him do something that you will both enjoy together...

how bout a "flying date"...

I've asked for this time and time again - but till now, it's been a no-go haha

have him take you flying ( or you fly him) - out to a different city like SLC and go on a wicked date with a limo picking you up at the airport! not sure what would be fun to do in SLC but you know what i mean....make it "interesting", expensive and fun!!

maybe even LAS for a night on the strip (depending on how long of a flight that would be)...

it's not too often that you get to take a little two-seater up and out for dinner/fun night AND he would get to log it as "cross-country" time... cuz when the men get to the major's - they won't take us women flying cuz "honey, I fly all the time - I don't wanna fly when I'm home".... waa waa waa...

or....and this is if your watching your budget (considering you may be moving in the near future)....make a pact that when he gets into the major's and you start making more $$ than what you are now, the rule of thumb is "where-ever the wife wants to go" when it comes to picking the first out of country to travel to!! that's always fun too... cuz when he gets up and into the major's, you HAVE to use the travel benefits - it's so worth it!!
not sure what would be fun to do in SLC

[/ QUOTE ] Well, there's always Temple Square.
The problem with that is a)he would enjoy it and b)we do have to save. If I can get in a plane and possibly even land it, then he has to do something un macho, that he normally wouldn't do, something that will humble his testosterone! LOL. [ QUOTE ]
maybe even LAS for a night on the strip

[/ QUOTE ] Ok, we WERE actually supposed to do this 2 weeks ago when he flew w/ his instructor to the ATP testing center, and we were supposed to leave our son with his mom over night. Well, what can I say? I am a mom. When we got there his mom wasn't there, but his brother and girlfriend WERE and there were storms brewing and a chance we wouldn't make it home that night, and my son was having a hard time falling asleep, so I packed up and went home with my baby! I know, I am a wimp. This is what happens when you become a mommy. I am relaly hoping we do get to FL, cause I feel much better about MY mom watching him, so maybe then we can get away for a night.
Jeez......I don't log in for a day and look what happens!
I am just glad to see that my "reverse psychology" maneuver worked.
I was beginning to wonder... Acutally, I would like for her to take an intro flight, (preferably without me in the airplane) I think she would like it, it definitley just comes down to her feeling in control, and as long as she did I have full confidence that she would like it.