Well-Known Member
There is a NOTAM out for Pinal (MZJ) in AZ for aerial tanker operations being performed by a 747!! Can't seem to find the NOTAM again, but it will be valid from Feb. 15th to Mar. 15th and stated that a 747 will be performing numerous tanker operations in the area. Operating at altitudes ranging from 10,000ft to 800ft AGL. Said this thing could drop 180,000 lbs (25,000 gallons) of water in 8 sec.
I did some research and found the website about this 747 Supertanker. Evergreen Aviation is heading up the development of this project. Now I don't know about you guys but I would pay to watch a 747 drop 25,000 gallons of water at 800ft. AGL in 8 sec. over the desert.
Going to have to train my students down towards that way to see if I can catch a glimpse of this thing making drops.
Heres the link if you want to know more.
747 Supertanker

I did some research and found the website about this 747 Supertanker. Evergreen Aviation is heading up the development of this project. Now I don't know about you guys but I would pay to watch a 747 drop 25,000 gallons of water at 800ft. AGL in 8 sec. over the desert.
Going to have to train my students down towards that way to see if I can catch a glimpse of this thing making drops.
Heres the link if you want to know more.
747 Supertanker