231 knots!


Well-Known Member
How's that for a groundspeed? Not very good if you are flying a jet or turboprop I guess...but not bad for a Bonanza, eh? 2.7 hrs. from PDK (Atlanta) to LNN (near Cleveland)!
My top groundspeed in the Bonanza was 230 knots, which is almost as impressive as what you did! My all-time record as PIC is in the King Air 200 ... 385 in level flight, and 440 in a shallow descent. Not bad for an airplane that trues 265!

The most out of character that I saw was 160 in a PA-28-151. I have only broken 200 once in a Piper Seminole, but just barely 203.

Re: -10 knots

A pilot flying a cub received an FAA violation for moving backwards on the ILS at Salem, OR. Note to self, never try to shoot an ILS in a CUB with massive headwinds.
Re: -10 knots

A pilot flying a cub received an FAA violation for moving backwards on the ILS at Salem, OR. Note to self, never try to shoot an ILS in a CUB with massive headwinds.

[/ QUOTE ]

I"m trying to think of what violation he could have gotten under part 91.
Re: -10 knots

Apparently this one was ILS equipped with an ADF. The same day I was teaching in the Seminole. We turned into the wind and set up for slow flight. The Garmin 430 showed a 20 knot ground speed.
Re: -10 knots

That's cool and all, but don't planes have to be certified for flight into IMC beyond their avonics? Case in point, the DA-20, which can't fly into clouds because it has no protection against static electricity buildup/lighting strikes. Does the covering on a Cub conduct that static electricity away from the wing?
Re: -10 knots

MAybe the ILS was in VMC.....under VFR. All the pilot really needs is a NAV/COM with a glide slope reciever.
Re: -10 knots

385 in the Saab, slow descent (500 FPM). 375 or so level flight in the Saab. Both times coming back from Des Moines.

We have this "unofficial contest/goal" going around on the line for the crew that breaks 400 in level flight. They get a pat on the back.
Re: -10 knots

The fastest I can remember going, I never noticed in the jet (no GPS), is 340 in an MU2, of course I've done a little better in the citation.