What is a constant speed prop?
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It's a prop where the pilot controls the pitch and RPM.
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Actually, in most cases, the pilot only controls the RPM, the prop takes care of the pitch itself.
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Actually, the pilot only controls the tension on the speeder spring inside the prop governer, and the governer takes care of balancing cetrifugal force with the flyweights, and in turn, takes care of pitch, and in turn, the RPM...
I'm a dork
What is a constant speed prop?
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It's a prop where the pilot controls the pitch and RPM.
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Actually, in most cases, the pilot only controls the RPM, the prop takes care of the pitch itself.
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Actually, the pilot only controls the tension on the speeder spring inside the prop governer, and the governer takes care of balancing cetrifugal force with the flyweights, and in turn, takes care of pitch, and in turn, the RPM...
I'm a dork