Silver Airways Bankrupt

weren't they a pay-to-play airline years ago?

if so...sorry about the current employees but....

edit: yup confirmed....buh bye
That is gold! How could any young pilot resist that ad and those sick guitar riffs. "I wish you well, and Ill see you on the line".
Because I always stop, take 3 well-choreographed steps, turn and then have a "casual" conversation with everyone.

Tell us, Rick, how easy was it to get hired at Continental Airlines when you started a certain-year timeframe of the 1980s?
The funny thing is, I flew that exact Beech 1900 simulator on 2 different occasions! Once, in the 1900 course we took at Riddle that was supposed to mimic an airline training program that was so unrealistic it was comical and a second time for my Colgan Air interview.
I remember Gulfstream, and JetU... wonder where those pay to play kids are now!

JetU here. Gulfstream was pay to play (PFT). JetU was not. JetU was just a RJ course and the best you got out of it was an airline interview. If hired, you’d go to a newhire class like everyone else and start at the bottom like anyone else.

I did very well out of JetU, it got me exactly what I was hoping for. However, it went very very bad for those there in 2008-2009 shutdown as age 65 passed and the GFC started.
Is that the video with the Continental scab and his spawn in it or is that a different one?

I won’t comment on the scab father.

But I knew his kids, all 3 of them. Flew with 2 of them as my CAs at 9E. These were some of the sharpest pilots and kindest souls I’ve met in aviation. Last I remember, 2 went to FedEx, 1 went to Delta. The Delta guy was doing some base CP work. He’s the one I went to turn my resignation in when I left for VX.

I’d share a lunch/dinner/non-alcoholic drink with any of them, any day.
4:12 knew her too. Emirates at about 25-26. Upgraded 777, checkairman / training. Furloughed during the pandemic. Came back to the US. I think WGA initially and now either Fedex or Delta, I forget which.

4:19 awesome CA at 9E. Flew with him a bunch. Lived at Brighton, MI airport hangar house. Last I heard went to Spirit and was a DTW CA. Not sure if he’s still there.

4:29 another great guy. Flew with him a lot. 9E Capt that went to Delta at a fairly early timeframe (2014-2015 I think).

7:57 flew with him to. Went to jetBlue I think.

These are good people. Just one take from someone who knew them and flew with them.