Agree and neither does my other example SFO, so maybe I’m misunderstanding how DCA uses the circle to land runway 33 to their advantage.
My understanding was that there was a departure on runway 1 prior to PSA, and that tower changed PSA to the circle to land runway 33 to reduce the separation required from same runway separation rules (3000/4500/6000 ft, wake turbulence if applicable, I’ve heard of RECAT but I don’t totally understand it yet, etc) to intersecting runway rules (which I understand to be basically will the intersection be clear when the arrival passes the runway threshold). I’m not a controller so I’m referencing
7110.65 3-10-3 and 3-10-4, if that’s even the right place to look. If DCA’s usage of runway 1 vs runway 33 is more nuanced than that, I’m interested to learn.