As a layperson who is speculating circumstantially, I do wonder from a chicken or the egg standpoint whether the helo route came first or the circle to land runway 33 came first.When it comes down to it, in my opinion, there probably shouldn’t be a helo corridor that close to that circle to land runway at DCA.
The helo route looks like it would deconflict helicopters and fixed wing so long as DCA was using runways 1/19 only in a north south configuration, because the aircraft on approach would be fairly high by the time the route crosses the extended center lines.
It’s been said elsewhere in this thread that the circle to land runway 33 gained popularity with RJs due to the same runway separation vs intersecting runway separation ATC rules being more favorable to packing traffic closer together on intersecting runways - same exception that is used to the advantage of places like LGA, SFO, etc.
I wonder if it’s a case of helo route was there first before the circle was widely used? If so, could be fixed by saying “helo route NA when circle Rwy 33 in use.”