c. Except for visual approaches,
do not clear an aircraft direct to the FAF unless it is also an IAF, wherein the aircraft is expected to execute the depicted procedure turn or hold-in-lieu of procedure turn.
d. Intercept angles greater than 90 degrees may be used when a procedure turn, a hold-in-lieu of procedure turn pattern, or arrival holding is depicted and the pilot will execute the procedure.
e. If a procedure turn,
hold-in-lieu of procedure turn, or arrival holding pattern is
depicted and the angle of intercept is 90 degrees or less, the
aircraft must be instructed to conduct a straight-in approach if ATC does not want the pilot to execute a procedure turn or hold-in-lieu of procedure turn. (See
FIG 4-8-3).
- Restate “cleared straight-in” in the approach clearance even if the pilot was advised earlier to expect a straight-in approach.
- Some approach charts have an arrival holding pattern depicted at the IAF using a “thin line” holding symbol. It is charted where holding is frequently required prior to starting the approach procedure so that detailed holding instructions are not required. The arrival holding pattern is not authorized unless assigned by ATC.
“Cleared direct SECND, maintain at or above three thousand until SECND, cleared straight-in
ILS Runway One-Eight approach.”
AIM, Para 5-4-5, Instrument Approach Procedure Charts.
AIM, Para 5-4-9, Procedure Turn and Hold-in-lieu of Procedure Turn.