Well-Known Member
Very well said @jtrain609!
On the last bullet point, there's another member here that was told "I know it's out of your control, but try to become a check airman." If you KNOW it's out of one's control, then why say that?! And management isn't stupid, they see guys becoming a check airman and then leaving. Now they're looking for lifers only to be check airman.
At the last job fair I attended, one of the guys standing in line with me had just come back from speaking with a major airline recruiter. He told me the recruiter asked him why he hadn't upgraded yet. Told the recruiter he wasn't eligible yet due to seniority. Apparently the recruiter told him to "work on upgrading". What the hell does that even mean!? Work on upgrading? In a seniority based system? And this is from a major airline recruiter.