Just discovered

That's because rentals believe in gravity :)

Those dirty communists...

Heck, I'd like to see someone's breakdown of ownership costs for a small simple piston single. The way I see it, I have two options:

1) I can make a bad decision knowing how much it costs, and how bad of a decision it is.
2) I can make a bad decision without knowing how much it costs, and how bad of a decision it is.

I seem to have an uncanny ability to talk myself into doing some really stupid stuff. The current variation of that is the idea of doing a rebuild on a Pitts. Good Lord...
For sure. I do have some pretty solid resources at hand in the form of people and knowledge, but the financial aspect would be troubling.
If you want to rebuild an airplane do that. If you want to fly an airplane, buy an airworthy one. You'll be thousands ahead.
Don't expect to get much back out of anything you put into it.