"You're Fired!"


Staff member
So my two boys (4 and 5 1/2) were squabbling and bickering at the kitchen table fighting over a toy (as usual) and the older one says to the younger one, "You're Fired!".


Where the hell did he hear that?!?!! :eek:
You'll know he's headed for management when he starts talking about his bonus! ;)
That's my 4yr olds favorite saying. I have no clue where he picked it up. On a lighter note, he was playing his Nintendo DS yesterday and got mad at losing and said,"Son of A B!T$%!":)
So my two boys (4 and 5 1/2) were squabbling and bickering at the kitchen table fighting over a toy (as usual) and the older one says to the younger one, "You're Fired!".


Where the hell did he hear that?!?!! :eek:

LOL....I suppose there are worse things he could've said or learned? :D
So my two boys (4 and 5 1/2) were squabbling and bickering at the kitchen table fighting over a toy (as usual) and the older one says to the younger one, "You're Fired!".


Where the hell did he hear that?!?!! :eek:

One of the guys I worked with said something R rated and his grandson said "Grandpa, that's despicable". Grandpa must have spent the next two days at work telling that story to everyone who would listen.

I think the grandson got it from a Bugs Bunny cartoon. They are definitely little sponges.