working out with a cold


Well-Known Member
Dr. Forred,

I, like everybody, absolutely loathe being sick and wish to get over this yucky cold bug as soon as possible and get back to work. While working out clears my sinuses momentarily and all that glorious air can travel through both nostrils, I worry that it actually prolongs the illness. Would you recommend taking a few days off from the treadmill while I fight this thing, or does working out help someone get over it faster?

Thank you and I hope the weather is better where you are than it is here!

Strenuous exercise while infected with a virus can lead to a cardiomyopathy which in turn can lead to heart failure and death. This can occur even in young people.

Strenuous exercise while infected with a virus can lead to a cardiomyopathy which in turn can lead to heart failure and death. This can occur even in young people.

Holy crap! I didn't know that. Wow, looks like I'll be on the couch today with some hot tea. Thank you!

Strenuous exercise while infected with a virus can lead to a cardiomyopathy which in turn can lead to heart failure and death. This can occur even in young people.

So what are you reaaaaaally trying to say there, Walt? :)
Hey, D! I hope you're taking the Dr.'s advice and having sweetcheeks attend to your every need in your downtime. :D Hope you feel better--but enjoy the pampering and rest! ;)