Who's hiring right now?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know who's hiring right now or when your company plans on opening a new class? Thanks so much.
UA will have a class in Jan 2025 which means soon they will start the hiring process.
If I graduate and earn my ADX license in December, would it hurt my future application odds at United to apply just for the heck of it straight out of ADX school?

United is where I’d like to eventually end up in a perfect world and I have a year of aviation experience in flight op support for an aviation performance solution provider which United knows and uses so I’m not void of any aviation experience.

I Know I most likely won’t get in and would still apply to regionals obviously. Just wanna do it as long as it would not hurt future applications with regional experience under my belt.
If I graduate and earn my ADX license in December, would it hurt my future application odds at United to apply just for the heck of it straight out of ADX school?

United is where I’d like to eventually end up in a perfect world and I have a year of aviation experience in flight op support for an aviation performance solution provider which United knows and uses so I’m not void of any aviation experience.

I Know I most likely won’t get in and would still apply to regionals obviously. Just wanna do it as long as it would not hurt future applications with regional experience under my belt.
I would say being fresh out of school with no experience, I’d expect a thanks but no thanks.

However in your case, maybe? If nothing else it might be a chance to go out to ORD and take the entrance test (which is one of the hardest in the industry). But your lack of 121 dispatch experience may inhibit that.

With the drop in frequency in hiring, and dispatch mills pumping out freshly minted dispatchers every other month, these bids are only going to be more and more competitive so it’s important to be on your A-game. Make meaningful connections, stay up to date on your knowledge, and be ready to roll when the time comes.
If I graduate and earn my ADX license in December, would it hurt my future application odds at United to apply just for the heck of it straight out of ADX school?

United is where I’d like to eventually end up in a perfect world and I have a year of aviation experience in flight op support for an aviation performance solution provider which United knows and uses so I’m not void of any aviation experience.

I Know I most likely won’t get in and would still apply to regionals obviously. Just wanna do it as long as it would not hurt future applications with regional experience under my belt.

If you wanna shoot your shot, go for it. I know people with no previous 121 experience who got hired as externals by UA. Its not impossible.

Granted, those people also had 135 or DX adjacent experience and got hired on during the recent hiring boom. I have a feeling the hiring will be a little more competitive this time around.
I would say being fresh out of school with no experience, I’d expect a thanks but no thanks.

However in your case, maybe? If nothing else it might be a chance to go out to ORD and take the entrance test (which is one of the hardest in the industry). But your lack of 121 dispatch experience may inhibit that.

With the drop in frequency in hiring, and dispatch mills pumping out freshly minted dispatchers every other month, these bids are only going to be more and more competitive so it’s important to be on your A-game. Make meaningful connections, stay up to date on your knowledge, and be ready to roll when the time comes.
Thanks. I figure why not if it won’t hurt I don’t expect anything of it and fully expect to be working at a regional this time next year lol.

Regarding the Dispatch Mills, it’s kinda unfortunate. I talk to a lot of dispatchers in my current role and they piqued my interest. Looked more into it and it is like my favorite parts of my current job except all day long and way more money lol. So for me this is all passion and payment rather than just payment prospect.

Sucks I missed the Major Airline rush a lot of fellas speak of 1-2 years ago but hopefully prior experience is enough to get me in with a good regional vs someone with no experience in aviation whatsoever.
Thanks. I figure why not if it won’t hurt I don’t expect anything of it and fully expect to be working at a regional this time next year lol.

Regarding the Dispatch Mills, it’s kinda unfortunate. I talk to a lot of dispatchers in my current role and they piqued my interest. Looked more into it and it is like my favorite parts of my current job except all day long and way more money lol. So for me this is all passion and payment rather than just payment prospect.

Sucks I missed the Major Airline rush a lot of fellas speak of 1-2 years ago but hopefully prior experience is enough to get me in with a good regional vs someone with no experience in aviation whatsoever.
I’d say with your background you definitely have a shot at a 121 regional. As a former Skywestie the best (In my totally unbiased opinion) are:
1.) Skywest
2.) Endeavor
3.) Republic

Also keep in mind that most if not all majors usually take in account previous years aviation experience when ranking applicants. So having a solid mix of 121 regional and your previous roles on a resume definitely could help you stand out.
I’d say with your background you definitely have a shot at a 121 regional. As a former Skywestie the best (In my totally unbiased opinion) are:
1.) Skywest
2.) Endeavor
3.) Republic

As former EDV Id second this list.
It seems Delta*, United, and Southwest like to pull from these regionals and they are often said to have some of the best training programs. Cant really go wrong with any of em, it kinda just depends on which one gives you your big break first.

*=At least as far as EDV was concerned, moving from them to DAL was hard for a number of reasons. You would think being at Deltas wholly owned subsidiary would give you a really good shot at getting into their DX dapartment. You would be mistaken.
AA hires a lot from SkyWest and Republic as well. Only 3 that I personally know of from EDV here though.

Always shoot your shot and apply. I know UA hired quite a few with zero despatch experience over the last couple years, even when there was no shortage of experienced dxers applying during the mass hiring frenzy. DL is also famous for hiring people with zero experience (although they usually hire those internally).

I agree with the EDV/DL statement. You would think they would drain EDV of dispatchers the way AA does Envoy but it actually did seem harder to either get the green light from EDV or for DL to offer a job, than if someone was applying externally from elsewhere. When I was there years ago, they required dispatchers to not only be trainers for minimum one year and strongly preferred them to step into sector supervisor roles, but they also wanted you to do community service as well… Yes the kind you do outside of work. There were other requirements too but that still didn’t guarantee you anything except your resume supposedly was moved to the top of other applicants. Also being a part of the “clique or the cool kids” and kissing a•• definitely helped lol. Not sure if it’s the same these days or not. I made the mistake of not having enough confidence and didn’t apply to DL when the time came. Then very shortly after I applied to AA and UA for practice for DL next time… and lo and behold got offers from both. Always wondered what would’ve happened if I had applied to DL but cest la vie I guess.

Anyway all of those regionals are great and have excellent training. Envoys good too if you’re wanting AA.
AA hires a lot from SkyWest and Republic as well. Only 3 that I personally know of from EDV here though.

Always shoot your shot and apply. I know UA hired quite a few with zero despatch experience over the last couple years, even when there was no shortage of experienced dxers applying during the mass hiring frenzy. DL is also famous for hiring people with zero experience (although they usually hire those internally).

I agree with the EDV/DL statement. You would think they would drain EDV of dispatchers the way AA does Envoy but it actually did seem harder to either get the green light from EDV or for DL to offer a job, than if someone was applying externally from elsewhere. When I was there years ago, they required dispatchers to not only be trainers for minimum one year and strongly preferred them to step into sector supervisor roles, but they also wanted you to do community service as well… Yes the kind you do outside of work. There were other requirements too but that still didn’t guarantee you anything except your resume supposedly was moved to the top of other applicants. Also being a part of the “clique or the cool kids” and kissing a•• definitely helped lol. Not sure if it’s the same these days or not. I made the mistake of not having enough confidence and didn’t apply to DL when the time came. Then very shortly after I applied to AA and UA for practice for DL next time… and lo and behold got offers from both. Always wondered what would’ve happened if I had applied to DL but cest la vie I guess.

Anyway all of those regionals are great and have excellent training. Envoys good too if you’re wanting AA.

Yeah AA is kinda an unknown quantity to me. I only know one Dispatcher that went there. But I heard they do pull from envoy.

And yeah I remember that! If I remember correctly we (EDV DX) were asking for a guaranteed pathway to DL just like the Pilots and MX got and they basically hit us with “Well, if you jump through all these hoops we’ll give you the privilege of an interview”.

One of the many reasons I never even bothered to apply for Delta. My goal was SWA anyway with UA being a close second.
A lot of work from edv management went into getting delta to take any edv dispatchers. They "didnt want to cannibalize their wholly owned." Eventually, they did hire like 12-15 of them over the course of 4-5 years but it took a ton to make that happen.
Yeah AA is kinda an unknown quantity to me. I only know one Dispatcher that went there. But I heard they do pull from envoy.

And yeah I remember that! If I remember correctly we (EDV DX) were asking for a guaranteed pathway to DL just like the Pilots and MX got and they basically hit us with “Well, if you jump through all these hoops we’ll give you the privilege of an interview”.

One of the many reasons I never even bothered to apply for Delta. My goal was SWA anyway with UA being a close second.
Yea unfortunatley there is only a limited amount of dispatch positions, and unlike pilots or MX, they can pull DX from just about any department they want. I wouldn't be surprised if internal DX hiring isn't so much about "preferring internals" as it is about dangling a possible future high paying reward job down the road in front of the other departments to keep them motivated and loyal with the job they have now.
AA hires a lot from SkyWest and Republic as well. Only 3 that I personally know of from EDV here though.

Always shoot your shot and apply. I know UA hired quite a few with zero despatch experience over the last couple years, even when there was no shortage of experienced dxers applying during the mass hiring frenzy. DL is also famous for hiring people with zero experience (although they usually hire those internally).

I agree with the EDV/DL statement. You would think they would drain EDV of dispatchers the way AA does Envoy but it actually did seem harder to either get the green light from EDV or for DL to offer a job, than if someone was applying externally from elsewhere. When I was there years ago, they required dispatchers to not only be trainers for minimum one year and strongly preferred them to step into sector supervisor roles, but they also wanted you to do community service as well… Yes the kind you do outside of work. There were other requirements too but that still didn’t guarantee you anything except your resume supposedly was moved to the top of other applicants. Also being a part of the “clique or the cool kids” and kissing a•• definitely helped lol. Not sure if it’s the same these days or not. I made the mistake of not having enough confidence and didn’t apply to DL when the time came. Then very shortly after I applied to AA and UA for practice for DL next time… and lo and behold got offers from both. Always wondered what would’ve happened if I had applied to DL but cest la vie I guess.

Anyway all of those regionals are great and have excellent training. Envoys good too if you’re wanting AA.

Community service?? That sounds like a humiliation ritual.
AA hires a lot from SkyWest and Republic as well. Only 3 that I personally know of from EDV here though.

Always shoot your shot and apply. I know UA hired quite a few with zero despatch experience over the last couple years, even when there was no shortage of experienced dxers applying during the mass hiring frenzy.
I don’t recall anybody with 0 experience getting hired unless they were internal over the last few years. Externals at the very least had 135 experience.