who was at KAPA (centennial, CO/denver) today?


Well-Known Member
saw a sioux warrior on the ramp at KAPA today... didnt catch the tail number.

aren't you a bit far from home??!?
Couldn't have been a UND airplane. UND airplanes never fly outside the "bubble', NEVER I SAY!!!
You can look it up on flightaware (NDU40). GFK-RAP-APA. Maybe someone got to take a plane home for spring break?
I'm not 100% positive, but I think that would be one of my friends who ended up flying home for a few days. I'm kinda jealous of her, I wish I could fly around the country on my own for a week :D

EDIT: Nope, not her.
Maybe a contract student. They need some 60 billion hours of cross country time.

Could be an employee renting.
I'm not 100% positive, but I think that would be one of my friends who ended up flying home for a few days. I'm kinda jealous of her, I wish I could fly around the country on my own for a week :D

EDIT: Nope, not her.

Didn't you get to take a Warrior home to Kansas a few Spring Breaks ago? :D
Maybe they're ferrying it to PHX... I honestly dont think they'd let a student take it that far.

Yeah, because they limit you to the Grand Forks/Fargo/Bemidji triangle. Seriously. Those are the only airports you can go on a cross country. (ok, I'm adding a little :sarcasm:, but almost true!)