Which flight school?


New Member
Which flight school do you think would actually give me an airline job as a first officer?
Easy Young Grasshopper! You have a long way to go before worrying about airline jobs. Nobody is going to GIVE you and airline job. You have to work your butt off and earn it. Somebody who guarantee's an interview isn't guaranteeing a job. There are tons of pilots with thousands of hours out there looking for work. Don't get suckered in by academies that are just looking to take your money and leave you with empty promises.

As far as FSA goes. If you go through the academy, work hard, and have a good interview then they'll hire you. After being hired as an instructor and working for a year or two then you'll be competitive in the job market and I would imagine you would have some luck finding a job with a commuter.

Look at the quality and reputation of schools before choosing one. There was a school in Orlando that made a lot of big promises like you mentioned in your post and all of those students got ripped off.
There was a school in Orlando that made a lot of big promises like you mentioned in your post and all of those students got ripped off.

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... and all they promised was an interview!
Ive read all of your posts as Im interested in pursuing the same path. You repeatively asked "which school will give you a job", but like most schools and most industries, jobs are earned and not given. As I scope out the options for my own training, Ive learned that no school can promise me a rosey future and I have to choose a school that suits my needs and situation. Likewise, my level of success depends primarily on my own actions and what I give myself.
Look at the quality and reputation of schools before choosing one.

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Well said...There is a reason FSA does not "promise" anything. They have one of the best reputations in the industry for training pilots. I'll take that over an empty promise any day.

I'm actually surprised with your posts, that you haven't mentioned DCA -- Delta Connection Academy since the name says it all . . . for prospects.

DCA, affectionately known as Comair Academy here at JC
Don't Care Academy=DCA

Too many horror stories to mention. Just read the posts and you will see that more against then for.
Nobody is going to give you a job-you earn it. FSI is by far the best of the choices you mentioned. I am a former FSI student, and while I didn't finish their program I consider it to be among the very finest in terms of instruction and facilities. Vero Beach is also one of the best places to live IMHO.