Which Airport Is It?


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Which airport is last in on-time arrivals in 2008?


I'm sure this won't come as a surprise to 99% of you.

Newark Airport Last In On-Time Arrivals In '08

NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — New Jersey's Newark Liberty International Airport improved its on-time arrivals and departures last year, but still ranked last and next-to-last in those categories among U.S. airports.

The Federal Bureau of Transportation Statistics released data Monday listing Newark 32nd out of 32 major airports with 62 percent of arriving flights on time last year.

That's better than the 59 percent Newark posted in 2007, but it's well below the national average of 76 percent for 2008.

Newark ranked next-to-last with 69 percent on-time departures, compared to the national average of 79 percent.

New York's La Guardia and JFK airports also ranked in the bottom quarter, though JFK improved its on-time departures from 69 percent in 2007 to more than 75 percent last year.
