where can you land a seaplane

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B 717 with Diamonds DA-40 nose gear?

Ahh come on now...Obviously I must be suffering from SJS if i have a key pad designed jet in my signature, which means of course it has to be a CRJ-900:crazy::D:sarcasm: preferbly one which will pay me at least 19.5k my first year:banghead::sarcasm:again
serious hijack going on here, I like my corporate version. At least he got a little info before it started:panic::D
A company called Rural King, similar to Tractor Supply Company, has a fleet of R44's they use to fly to all of their stores. They just land in their parking lots. Easier and cheaper than trying to borrow a crew car or get a rental from an FBO.

I know Duke energy usually lands their Bell 407 wherever to get a bite to eat while on patrol. I knew a guy who got to ride along and he said they stopped at a Pizza Hut for the lunch buffet a lot.
okay, I will get back on topic.

<embed id="VideoPlayback" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=-8090875474584011710&hl=en&fs=true" style="width:400px;height:326px" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </embed>

If have have not seen this, watch the factory takeoff.
Did you watch the inauguration today, there was a helicopter at the base of the capitol steps. Then again, it was painted green and referred to as marine one...
Still an interesting landing spot.

yea.. i saw that. was trying to figure out how he got around all the TFR's and military jets. Must not of had a transponder so he was able to sneak in:sarcasm: