where can you land a seaplane


Well-Known Member
Other than lakes/rivers and actual sea ports, where are you allowed to land a sea / amphibian plane? Can I land in the ocean as long as I stay "x" amount of feet away from the shore (same rules for boats)? Can I land the plane and taxi into a regular boat harbor and tie my plane up to a dock?
There is not a restriction on where you can land or an "X" amount of feet away from shore. Sometimes, the best place to land is very close to shore.
Nothing says you have to dock at a seaport, either.

In fact, if you are land pilot, there is nothing that says you have to land at an airport, either.
I've heard that many states are not too seaplane friendly.
There are publications that mention places that are landable.
I've heard that many states are not too seaplane friendly.
There are publications that mention places that are landable.

This is misleading information above. Not a very good generalization, Mark. What is true is that there are publications where you can not touch down in water and where you are prohibited. These publications are published in the seaplane pilots association website and you must be a member to view them. It is called the water landing directory. The restrictions that have been lifted and are also added to the directory. There are not many contrast to the comment above.

As a rule of thumb, if there is no publication that says you can't land in a certain body of water then you can land there but be aware that if a problem is created (ei. noise pollution) then it may become another on the list. Be extremely friendly and cater to the surrounding neighborhoods if any are in the area. Offer them a ride so they can get a view of what it is like to fly instead of the view as "something that makes noise over my house". There are very few prohibited areas in my state. South Cali, I never looked at them.

Here is a link... http://www.seaplanes.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=41&Itemid=68
This is misleading information above. Not a very good generalization, Mark. What is true is that there are publications where you can not touch down in water and where you are prohibited. These publications are published in the seaplane pilots association website and you must be a member to view them. It is called the water landing directory. The prohibits that have been lifted and are also added to the directory. There are not many contrast to the comment above.

As a rule of thumb, if there is no publication that says you can't land in a certain body of water then you can land there but be aware that if a problem is created (ei. noise pollution) then it may become another on the list. Be extremely friendly and cater to the surrounding neighborhoods if any are in the area. Offer them a ride so they can get a view of what it is like to fly instead of the view as "something that makes noise over my house". There are very few prohibited areas in my state. South Cali, I never looked at them.

Here is a link... http://www.seaplanes.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=41&Itemid=68

Here in Texas, when George W was Governor he signed a bill prohibiting any restrictions against landing and taking off on any waters in the state. This hasn't stop some cities from trying though.:mad: Federal owned waters have their own rules of course, some NPS lakes and rivers have restrictions, Corps of Engineer lakes are hit and miss
What about helicopters? I know I have seen some helicopters in the most random places before. I'd love to take a helicopter and land it in the Outback's parking lot for steak. :rawk:
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Mine is better than Bills....:p
What about helicopters? I know I have seen some helicopters in the most random places before.

Did you watch the inauguration today, there was a helicopter at the base of the capitol steps. Then again, it was painted green and referred to as marine one...
Still an interesting landing spot.
What about helicopters? I know I have seen some helicopters in the most random places before. I'd love to take a helicopter and land it in the Outback's parking lot for steak. :rawk:

I read a story many years ago, about a police helicopter that landed in a vacant field next to a dunkin donuts...to get donuts...of course they ended up looking for a new job too!
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Mine is better the Bills....:p

Check this one out:

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Check this one out:

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:rotfl:Ok lets see number 1 looks like a C-337 or the military O-2 version with 4 hard points, the second is an F-4 and the last is a F-104?????
How do you not get that number one is an F-15?!;)
Ok:whatever:, It looked like a high wing design at first, but should have caught the rectangle intakes of the F15:D

To the op:hiya:...sorry I will stop hijacking your thread now;)

The easy answer, any public body of water, or private body of water which you have permission to land on. The hard answer is any public body of water that does not have any local, state, or federal regs prohibiting aircraft ops. In other words there is no easy answer! From what i have been told, you just have to research each body of water you have an interest in landing on.
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B 717 with Diamonds DA-40 nose gear?